Episode 72

Published on:

9th Jan 2024

72. 2024 Bazi & Feng Shui Forecast: Unveiling the Green Dragon's Influence

In the first half of Mind Power Meets Mystic, hosts Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters introduced the podcast, setting the stage for an enlightening discussion with guest Jo Russell, a harmony speaker deeply rooted in feng shui and Chinese metaphysics. Jo's journey began in childhood, sparked by an encounter with feng shui principles from a Japanese au pair. Her profound understanding of nature's energy led her to explore Taoism and Shinto, delving into life force energy and spiritual insights. Jo's podcast, Smashing Secrets Feng Shui, caught Michelle's attention, leading to an in-depth conversation about the upcoming energies of 2024 through Chinese astrology. Period nine, transitioning from period eight, signifies significant change and empowerment, favoring older women and intuitive energies. Jo highlighted how each individual's Bazi chart influences their experiences and reactions, offering insights into navigating the shift. Signs like the snake, goat, rooster, and ox could expect luck, while others might face challenges or opportunities for growth, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's energy and environment for a favorable 2024. Jo also shared cautions about potential health impacts based on astrological influences, making this episode a holistic guide for the year ahead, enticing listeners with promises of increased love, opportunities, and self-awareness.

The second half of the podcast delved into the upcoming astrological energies, focusing on the favorable period of heart-centered expression lasting 20 years in Period Nine. This phase from February onward emphasizes openness, compassion, and love for oneself and others. In 2024, specific astrological signs are highlighted for potential luck in love, including the Rooster, Snake, Pig, and Dragon. However, caution is advised as opportunities may not necessarily signify quality connections. The discussion emphasized astrological insights for love during 2024 and when these signs might shine the brightest in the months ahead. Furthermore, insights were shared regarding financial opportunities, particularly for those with zodiac signs like Monkeys, Dogs, Roosters, and Dragons, associated with specific stars that amplify wealth and success.

The conversation continued into Feng Shui insights, discussing the Flying Stars system and its impact on different areas of a home. It highlighted areas to avoid for renovations due to unfavorable energies, such as the southeast and southwest, as well as considerations for specific stars that could influence health, communication, and fortune. Jo provided recommendations on utilizing crystals and lamps to enhance energy in certain areas of the home and emphasized the importance of understanding energy imbalances and applying Feng Shui remedies accordingly. The conversation closed with considerations for balancing energies in a household with multiple individuals, focusing on the mother figure's happiness and nurturing environment.

Jo shares information about her podcast, "Smashing Secrets Feng Shui," available on various platforms, along with their website, Instagram presence, and plans for deeper dives into Feng Shui teachings and workshops via Patreon.

Michelle Walters can be found at https://www.michellewalters.net/

Cinthia Varkevisser can be found at https://www.cinthiavarkevisser.com/


Hi, we're Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, co-hosts of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

Our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible, to uplift your spirits, to move forward with confidence and joy, and to create a space for your collaboration with the invisible.

Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic!


This is Michelle Walters.

I am here with my co-host Cinthia Varkevisser and today we are so excited to speak to another podcaster, somebody I have been listening to for over a year, Jo Russell.

Jo Russell is a harmony speaker inspired by nature.

Born and raised amongst the lush greenery of Epping Forest, Jo developed an innate connection with the natural world from an early age.

This profound affinity with nature's rhythms and energy laid the foundation for her lifelong fascination with feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing physical spaces with the flow of qi, or life force energy.

At the tender age of eight, Zhou's path crossed with a Japanese au pair who introduced her to the principles of feng shui.

Intrigued by this concept of balancing human environments with the natural world, Zhou embarked on a journey of deep exploration into the realm of Chinese metaphysics and the laws of nature that govern our existence.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to delve further into the intricate workings of Qi, Zhou expanded her studies to encompass the wisdom of Taoism and Shinto, ancient spiritual traditions that offer profound insights into the manifestations of life force energy.

I know Jo Russell because she has a podcast called Smashing Secrets Feng Shui that I absolutely love and highly recommend to our listeners if you are interested in learning more about Feng Shui and Chinese astrology.

And I tell you the depths of that pond will never, you will never get there.

So there is always more to learn.

Welcome Jo to Mind Power Meets Mystic.

Thank you so much, Michelle.

And thank you so much for inviting me.

I'm very excited to be here and very grateful.

And thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk at length about Hong Shui and Ba Tze.

- Well, we just love these topics and we know our listeners love these topics too.

Our listeners have heard my story about how I ran into my superpower through Chinese astrology.

And well, before that, but especially when that happened, I just became a huge lover of it.

I think it is really uncannily insightful and something that really helps people.

Part of what I think is helpful about it is whether you believe in it or you don't, it gives you a framework in which to have a discussion and talk about what you like and what you don't like and what works for you and what doesn't work for you.

And I guess because I like communication, I really, really value that.

So it is:

So what can you tell us about what might be anticipated?

Well, I think first of all, the reason why this system is so exciting and why I think it is able to help people.

It's not only can it give you a roadmap and a prediction if you like, you can also use your when you have got a map.

So that's what the Bardsy is for is almost like a map of your of your journey.

And the feng shui is the road.

When you take steps to change your feng shui, you can change the outcome.

So it's a system that enables you to improve your luck.

That's why I'm passionate about this and although we can't change the date or we can't change our date of birth, we can change our environment, we can move, we can also change the orientation of the furniture, we can change colours, scientists have proven how every colour has a frequency and as we absorb that energy, we absorb that frequency, it has an effect on our behaviour and changes in our perspective and can help change our mind.

That's very subtle but Feng Shui also looks at the environment as a whole, so it can give you lots of clues into what to expect.

e move into the new energy of:

are we changing the year from:

So it changes a lot of things for everyone, and everyone's going to be affected by this.

So hopefully tonight I can draw some insight and give you some clues and help people to understand just what's going on, because it's It's a very fast moving energy.

And I think we can see that already in the news, how quickly things are changing.

- Tell us a little bit about the shift from period eight to period nine, because I don't think many of our listeners will have ever heard of this or know what this is about.

And I think without understanding what periods are and what the last one was characterized like and what period nine is characterized like, that will really help.

So this is a system that measures time in something known as yin and yang and the five elements and it takes 60, there's 60 different variations before you make a full circle.

Now the periods or the ages run every 20 years.

You have period one for 20 years, period two, period three and so on.

So we're just leaving a 20 year period which was governed by something called the earth energy.

So it was very patriotic, but it also, if you like, had the trigram of the mountain.

So it was very much about starting at the bottom and working your way to the top.

There was sort of safety in the size of the corporation.

Now that's all breaking away.

That's no longer the truth for us.

Instead, what we're seeing is something more associated with the fire element.

So the fire element, period nine, has a more matriotic energy.

It's a more feminine energy, so it's going to favour women.

It's going to provide women with more opportunity and become very empowering.

It's particularly geared towards older women, so women that have got knowledge and experience.

It's a very empathic energy, so an intuitive energy.

It's going to increase our awareness.

It's going to fire.

It is warmth.

It emanates from the heart.

It expands outwards.

each and whether regardless of our gender, regardless of what we identify with, we are going to be affected by period nine.

And our environment at Feng Shui can either enhance that or it can react to that.

And so depending on the bardzi of our charts, the map of our destiny and the roadmap that we're on, it's going to have a bearing on our decisions, our man luck.

And so we are all capable of making a decision that's going to be hopefully favorable to us, but we can equally be quite destructive and make decisions that are harmful to ourselves or to others.

So period nine is going to be shining a big light on that.

So our behavior and our perspective on our life, on ourselves and on our environment is gonna be much more important than it was in period eight.

Period eight was an earth energy very slow, just like a mountain.

A mountain hasn't got the ability to change quickly, but a fire or a virus can spread.

So information is going to be an important consideration and how the speed of that information spreads.

So I think we're gonna see lots of big shifts, big changes.

Do you want me to go into a little bit of a breakdown on how each, parts of each of the 12 animals are likely to be affected?

- Sure, yeah.

And maybe just share a little bit also, I'm not sure how many of our listeners are aware that one's BOTC chart includes multiple animals as opposed to here in the United States, there's much more focus on the year that you were born.

- Exactly, no, it's the same here in the UK.

So basically you've got something known as, BOTC means eight characters.

The system's also called four pillars.

So you've got a pillar for your year of birth and the majority of books and if you like newspaper, astrology sort of articles focus just on that.

And that's because it has a sort of general effect.

So it can relate to your life generally in terms, but it actually, the year of birth is more to do with the people around you.

So more to do with your social circles, your coworkers, how you spend your life generally.

Now you also have something known as a heavenly stem and an earthly branch in your month of birth, your day of birth and your hour of birth.

Your month of birth is more about how you're projecting yourself out into the world, your character, your personality, how others perceive you, the kind of face that you shine out and it can also have a bearing on your health and your career.

The day of birth, however, is more about your inner world, who you are essentially.

It can also have a bearing on the personal relationship you have, not just with yourself, but with your partner.

And then you've got the hour of birth, which is also a combination of a heavenly stem and an earthly branch.

So you've got 10 possibilities at the top and 12 possibilities at the bottom.

And your hour of birth is more to do with your relationship with your children, your friends, but it also gives insight into your thought process, your dreams and your desires.

So my job as a barzee practitioner is to look at the combinations that these energies provide, these stars, if you like.

And some stars really come together in a very favorable way and enhance each other, they support each other, they attract opportunities to one another.

And then you've also got stars that repel or try and dominate each other and can cause a lot of conflict and a lot of disagreements.

And that's why we all react to energy in a different way because we are unique, we are individuals.

So even though we could have even twins, you could have a different environment.

If they're in the same house, the chances are they're going to have the same thing affecting them at the same time.

But they've also got their man luck, which means there's 30% chance they're gonna react differently.

But when we add everything together, we get a very clear picture in terms of prediction.

And we can change our environment accordingly so we can boost the good luck, but minimalize the bad luck.


It's also leaving the energy of the water rabbit behind and entering into the energy of the wood dragon.

So the picture of the wood dragon conjures up a mountain with rivers and streams and lots of wood, lots of trees, very green, very alive, very fortunate.

If we're looking for this sort of thing in our environment, so for Cinthia with real estate, she's going to make some really good property investments or deals if she has a green dragon or a living mountain in the south of the property that she's working on.

Because if you've got a mountain in the south visible from your home, you're guaranteed good luck because that's a living energy, a dragon, they call it a green dragon.


But we also need to look at how it's going to affect us because some signs are going to love it, embrace it and really find it a catalyst for positive change.

But there's some that are going to be a bit more mediocre.

And unfortunately, there's going to be some that are going to struggle.

There's going to be some people that they're going to be facing a period where the only way is up.

They're going to have some some some incredible growth, but challenges that enable that growth to happen.

They're going to be faced with some maybe some some situations that make them have to stop what they're doing, reflect and work on ways of improving it or leaving something behind.

So some signs are going to fare better than others.

And then, but I think overall it's going to be a good year, but there is a few little things to be aware of.

So the big thing is change.

So if you resist change, it's going to happen anyway.

And it's going to be quite, it can be quite sudden, it can be quite unexpected.

It can be very powerful.

But on a positive, it can bring out courage and bravery.

It can be very invigorating.

It can get rid of anything that's no longer working or serving you.

If you've got energy blocks in your home or in yourself, it can clear away cobwebs, break away stagnation.

So on that level, it's very positive.

And again, it depends where the direction your house is facing, the shape of the road or the rivers or streams or even the lay of the land into the degree of how that's gonna affect you.

But certain signs, yeah.

having a really good year in:

And if you have any sort of general recommendations, I know sometimes on your podcast, you get very specific with, these people should do this.

these people should do that.

But if there might be some sort of general things that we're all experiencing.

- I'm trying to keep it really general.

- I think that would be great.

- Okay, sure.

Well, the ones that are gonna be super lucky, the ones that are gonna have the most opportunities and possibly be the most popular and attractive for new business and for success and achievements, there's four.

There's those born with a snake, there's those born with a goat, which I know is a nice thing for you, Michelle.

There's the rooster and there's the ox.

So those stars are known, they're the ones that are gonna be blessed with really good luck, unexpected good fortune.

Those that are gonna be more good, still favor luck, still good.

And in fact, this is more to do with peacefulness.

So that's good.

We don't always want things to be too shaken up.

And these are people born with the tiger, the rat, the pig and the horse.

Cinthia, I think you're going to have a really nice year.

And then those that are going to be the problem solvers, the ones that are going to be facing a little bit of challenge, a little bit of conflict perhaps, and so maybe need to consider their feng shui in a little bit more detail, will be dragons, rabbits, monkeys, and those with the star of the dog.

So there's where we've got a couple of clashes coming in.

The dragon clashes with the dog, it's known as the net of heaven and hell, which sounds pretty scary but it's not.

It's about being very much aware, aware, self-aware, but there's also your, it's the sensitivity to the energy around you.

It's almost like Halloween, where we've got, in fact, Cinthia probably knows much more about this than I do, it's where the veil between the spirit world and the earth realm is very thin.

So there could be a little bit of crossover.

Now it's not my area, but I do know that when these stars come in contact, some unusual unexpected events life-changing almost can appear.

So that's whenever the dragon and the dog appear.

Now October is the month of the dog.

So for people that have the sign of the dog anywhere in their child or luck pillar which governs the external energy around you are going to have an unexpected change.

Now because it's earth it can relate to property, it can relate to real estate, it can relate to the development of the land.

So there may be something as simple as moving home, but it can have a much more profound effect, a deeper effect.

So people born with a dog, just be aware that this energy is around you throughout the year, but will become a little bit more concentrated in April, which is month of the dragon, and October, which is month of the dog.

Now dragons are also going to be affected by this energy, but in a different way.

When you get two two dragons side by side, it's known as a self penalty.

And it means that they can be almost self sabotage, harmful to themselves.

And in the way this energy could come forward is it can be a very, a reactory emotional response.

So those people need to be a little bit aware as well, particularly during April, August and December and October.

Actually that could be also have a reaction.

Monkeys and rats will combine with the dragon and that produces the water energy.

So their emotional intelligence is going to be is going to be ramped up and their and actually their knowledge and intelligence generally is going to be increased.

So this is where they could be great problem solvers.

In terms of health, they need to be a little bit careful that they don't overindulge.

In fact, I made some notes, there's some other signs that need to watch that because if you're socializing and networking, particularly over dinner, there's a chance of overindulging and rich foods or rich wines.

And even though you may make successful business decisions, it may have a bigger impact on your health because the dragon is a storage of water.

So that's something to be aware of.

We like to take a little moment and mid show to remind our listeners that they are listening to mind power meets mystic with me, Michelle Walters, and my co-host Cinthia Varkevisser..

And we are joined today by Jo Russell, who is from another podcast called Smashing Secrets Feng Shui, which I know you would love to give a listen to.

signs and what to expect for:

ould love to get more love in:

So what can you tell us?

Well, the good news is with period nine, the energy associated with opening up the heart and expressing love and joy is going to be around for 20 years.

So everyone's got a little, an ability to tap into that at will.

Some people are going to be more open to it than others.

But generally speaking, the ability to tune into love and compassion, love for ourselves and the world around us should become more acceptable, more open, more available from February onwards.

But in:

But during:

So we can, that saying of being unlucky in love or maybe falling in love, but the dynamic's not there.

So even though these four signs will be very attractive, they still need to put their filters on because you could still attract the wrong person.

So the one that's going to shine the brightest is probably those with the rooster.

That's there known to have a peach blossom this year.

So I did a little talk on peach blossoms earlier on, I think this year or last year.

But basically peach blossom means that your popularity will increase, your attractiveness will increase, people will be drawn to you, you'll have more opportunities.

Another one that's going to do very well is those born with the snake in their chart.

They're born with sky happiness.

So that's another lucky star associated with love and romance and being attractive.

And then we have the red matchmaker.

This is great for, I suppose, blind dates and just having people sort of intervene and put you together.

And people that have the sign of the pig will be blessed by that star.

And then we've got the golden carriage, which are dragons.

So even though dragons have got a self-penalty, they're still gonna be quite popular and attractive and quite dreamy in terms of love and romance and opportunity.

So that's during:

So it will change in:

er, actually January, January:

The snake will do well in May, the pig will do well in November, and the dragon will do well in April and September.

I've also made notes on people that are going to be blessed with money opportunities, the moneymaker stars.

Do you want to hear about those?

- Yeah, we want to hear about- - Who does it?

Of course, of course.

- Okay, so the ones that are going to do particularly well in terms of business and achievement and success and generating more wealth and prosperity will be the monkeys, the dogs, the roosters and the dragons.

So they're the ones that have got some monkeys have got the three stages.

The dogs have got the national treasure roosters and it's got the Jade Hall.

And I think the dragons have got the story style, which is a well star.

So this is where they've got opportunities and work.

So if they're if they're sending out quotes, then they should find that their quote is accepted or that they just basically are a magnet for opportunities, business opportunities.

- Okay, Jo, I got a question for you.

Do you have a recommendation for an app or a website or someplace where our listeners could go to get their Fuzzy calendar?

Is there a way that they could generate it online?

- Yeah, Chloe and I have set up a Patreon site, which is, we only set it up about six months ago.

So we use, we've got about Barzi calculator on that, which I mean, as it's a subscription service, but there's no reason why you can't use a free one, which is, I mean, Joy Yap is kind of like a guru in terms in this modern world of feng shui.

And he's been very generous in that he has got a lot of free products available.

And one of which is a Barzi calculator.

And I think it's also got a Chi Minh Dun Jai calculator, but what he doesn't provide you with is the information of what it means.

- Yes, that's where you come in.

- Yeah, well hopefully, yes.

- I think that many of our listeners might need to look up all their stuff.

- Yeah.

- And so it's very helpful to have a resource for them.

- If you type in the Google bar or in your search engine, There should be at least one or two that pop up.

I mean, I think the one we use is by some company called, I think it's Voidcheck.

I have to ask Chloe.

But Jo, I've used Joey Yap for years because he actually does provide an awful lot of information very generously.

And it's a free resource.

And in fact, he has lots of courses, lots of books.

He's a great place to go if you are looking to take this deeper.

The downside is there's quite a lot.

It can be overwhelming.

So if you're interested, there's definitely gems to uncover, but there's also quite a lot around it as well.

Well, and I want to give a shout out to Smashing Secrets, Feng Shui.

"Secret's Frank Shui" is one of the few podcasts I've listened to where it really made sense to start at the beginning.

And that doesn't mean that you might not want to listen to some of the more current episodes.

But there is so much to be learned in this category that to sort of dive into the middle of the river might be a whole lot harder than starting off where the river began.

And it's really been very helpful for me.

And I love getting your tips and tricks and that kind of a thing.

Do you have any Pang-Chui recommendations for things that sort of everyone might benefit from in terms of putting a little more attention here or there in the house?


So this is looking at another form of system which is looking at the formula, the timing of the space.

So it's something known as Flying Stars.

So this year we've got got flying star three flying into the center of the low shoes square, which is this is why I really wanted the podcast to start at the beginning.

Because when I say things like that, if you're a seasoned functional practitioner, that makes absolute sense.

But if you're not, it's like, good as foreign language, it's gobbledygootch.

So so apologies if I do jump into that, if I get carried away, but I will try and keep it as simple as possible.

But when we've got a three in the center, that bring that is a star of change is a star of rapid growth.

So it It can be an enormous transition and there's the old proverb saying a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Well, this is a year where I think we're going to realise that.

And then you look at the pattern of the Loshu Square to find out the different kind of energetic patterns that will be in each particular area of your home.

Now if your home is facing a certain direction, you're going to receive more of it.

if your bedroom is another consideration, your kitchen is another consideration, the children's study room or your living room, so it's where you spend time.

So if you were to divide your home into a nine grid sector and measure with a compass, so I'm not following black hat, I'm measuring with compasses, magnetic north will be shown, will show on your compass and you mark that on your floor plan.

So you get an aerial picture of your views to scale and you divide it into nine sectors, or you can do what I do, something known as the 24 mountains, where you break it into each sector's got another three, and then you've got your bards the equivalent.

So that's a little bit for the higher advanced, but for this level, we're just going to do the low shoe, and we're going to also consider the bad one.

So you can look at certain directions, have a certain associations.

Now this year, we've also got to take, there's certain bad stars, so if you're thinking about renovations, then I'd certainly recommend that you do not do any renovations in the southeast because you might tap into the Dragon Star, and that's going to, that's known as the Grand Duke, that's going to cause a load of problems.

So we don't, because the energy is too strong, and so it's like you won't, it can be very overwhelming for some people, so even though you might feel that you're going in the right direction, it can be very overwhelming.

So if your house is facing the Dragon Direction Southeast One, or if you're doing renovations in that area, you're going to trigger that star.

So I'd recommend that you don't.

These are the, I'm going to just go through the ones to avoid this year, for now, and if we've got time, I'll go into the lucky ones.

But another one where the energy is very low is in the, on the 24 mountains, is the Dog Star.

Now that's in the northwest.

the Now the Northwest during:

So even though that star's now gone, we've still got a low energy.

So if we're at House's face in that direction, is we're going to feel heavy and low and sluggish?

We could feel low in mood.

If our business or if we work in an office that's in the southwest sector, then we're also going to have low staff morale or with a business that's going to slump.

So I would try and do some feng shui there to help boost the energy in the northwest.

And another one known as the three killings, which sounds pretty scary, but it's basically there's three different types of bad luck which can cause harm.

So that's in the south this year.

So arguments and misunderstandings are going to be quite strong in the south, but if your house is facing south or you're spending a lot of time in the south sector of your home, you've got to also protect against poor health, robberies, losing things, as well as natural disasters.

So if you're traveling south, you've got to be careful because you could also trap bad luck there.

And then the star of misfortune is in the west sector this year.

So that can have bearing if your house is facing west and the west is also very much to do with communication.

So you have to be really clear and if you're signing documents or contracts, we really read every little thing because it could be there's something hidden that's going to cause misfortune later on down the line.

Well that is good to know.

That is good to know, Jo.

We are almost at the end of our session.

Oh, I know you have so much to say and we love listening to you and I'm sure you will be back.

Cinthia wanted to ask you a question.

Stop, please, please sit down.

I love that you're going over the generalities.

As you're talking about this, I think about my family.

At the time I was married and we had our two girls living in a small house.

So that in itself, just the constraints there, there's a lot going on.

How do you handle the Batsi in Feng Shui when you have multiple people in a home?

and then considering all of their energies.

- Well, in period A, the focus would have been on the sort of breadwinner.

So it was very patriotic.

So it'd look on the father figure.

And as we know, in period A, women became more empowered and stronger as they were starting to approach period nine.

So for me, the focus is now gonna be on the mother figure because if the mum's happy, the kids are happy and the husband's happy, everyone's happy.

It's a very nurtured, nourished environment.

outhwest because certainly in:

So a happy home and everyone in that area.

So you can break down a house into four grids, but you can also microscale the Loshu into a room.

So even though you might have children's, their bedroom might not be in the Southwest, it might be in the East sector.

So they're being affected by different energy.

you can always activate the southwest corner of that bedroom.

So you can really microscale it.

And the southwest is an earth energy.

So you can use a lamp and crystals, a combo like that.

So the light frequency, the heat frequency from the lamp will be absorbed by the crystal.

And the crystal will act, if you like, as a way of enhancing that and grounding that energy.

So you can use different crystals associated with maybe love such as rose quartz or positivity, clear quartz, or something more in monetary terms, something like citrine or topaz or jade.

So I think follow your intuition.

I think that's really important and the southwest sector will boost your intuition as well and your awareness.

But if in doubt, get in touch with somebody who understands feng shui or who who is somebody like yourself who can read energy and can tell the difference if maybe there's a different something to do with stagnation.

So you could do maybe some space clearing.

So there's lots of different ways of shifting energy.

The idea first of all is to identify if there's a problem and where is that problem?

And who's being affected?

Is it the father?

Is it the mother?

Is it the child?

Is it the grandmother?

Let's look at the area that they're in.

Is there something in the area that could be behind this energetically?

And is there something we can do to change it.

So that's kind of what I do.

And, and yeah, get really good results.

Jo, thank you so much for appearing on our show today.

We are going to wrap it up for today.

What I would love is if you could share with our listeners in a minute or two kind of how they can find you and follow you and all that kind of stuff because I if our listeners are a little bit like me, they're going to want to Oh, thank you so much, Michelle.

OK, well, we we're known as Smashing Secrets Feng Shui and my daughter of Chloe and I do fortnightly podcasts, which you can find, I think, on Amazon or Spotify.

I think Podbean, there's all different kind of platforms.

Chloe's really the techie one.

I just nod and smile.

She's one that does all that.

But we have a Smashing Secret Feng Shui website.

We've got Instagram.

We're trying to do the videos on YouTube, but we're a bit slow on that.

But we've also got this new Patreon service, which gives me the opportunity to do much more of a bigger deep dive.

And I'm going to also be adding because more people want to learn.

So I'm doing an extension of the podcast because the podcast sort of introduces the language that Feng Shui uses.

But now I'm going to do more in terms of workshops or courses or maybe just even mini podcasts just to bring a more of a teaching explanation so people can do it themselves.

I'll keep you posted.


Well, I'll be listening.

Thank you so much, Jo, for appearing on our show today on Mind Power Meets Mystic.

We're honored.

I'm so am I.

Thank you so much, both of you, and lots and lots of love.

you've been listening to, My Power Meets Mystic.

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About the Podcast

Mind Power Meets Mystic
Where the subconscious meets spirit
Mind Power Meets Mystic explores how seemingly disparate events and ideas come together in unexpected and surprising ways. Nerd out with us as we dive into spirit, business, love, relationships, self-expansion, and life’s true purpose, with wild curiosity and a huge sense of humor.
* Are you wanting to understand more about the power of your mind and spirit?
* What would it mean to connect more deeply with your inner or higher self?
* Are you looking for an ah-ha?
* Is there a thinking pattern or life situation that you want to shift?
* Are you ready to face your biggest fears and push on your greatest strengths?
* How can you tap your subconscious to reframe and rewrite your thinking?

Come along and follow us on our weekly journey of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

About your host

Profile picture for Cinthia Varkevisser

Cinthia Varkevisser