Episode 58

Published on:

12th Sep 2023

58. Learn About Affirmations Today: Your Secret to a Happier, Confident You

Welcome to "Mind Power Meets Mystic" with your hosts, Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters. Today, Michelle is flying solo to chat about the amazing world of affirmations! 🌟

Affirmations? They're like your personal cheerleaders, boosting your spirits and guiding you to your dreams! Discover why famous folks like Louise Hay, Oprah, and more swear by them.

Find out how affirmations work – it's all about controlling those thoughts of yours! Use them for health, wealth, love, and more. Just remember to keep 'em positive and in the present tense. 🌈

You can sprinkle affirmations into your day anywhere – from your morning walk to doing the dishes. And yes, hypnosis uses affirmations too! πŸŒ€

Crafting your own affirmations is super fun, but we've got some classics like "I am worthy" and "I release, release, release, let go, and let God." πŸ˜‡

Exciting news: Michelle's creating affirmations content for the Aura app – your pocket-sized positivity coach! πŸ“±βœ¨

Stay tuned for upcoming events, including sound baths and Michelle's class, "Boost Your Mood, Not Your Food." Check out the details on our websites!

So, let's make today amazing with the magic of affirmations. πŸš€ You're tuned in to "Mind Power Meets Mystic" – where joy, confidence, and positivity reign! 🌟✨

Michelle's Morning Affirmation Hit on Aura: 5 Minute Wake Up Affirmations

Test Drive Aura with this special trial link: https://www.aurahealth.io/guestpass/michelle-walters

Learn more about Michelle: michellewalters.net

Check out Cinthia and her events: cinthiavarkevisser.com


Cinthia Varkevisser 0:00

Hi, we're Cynthia Varkevisser And Michelle Walters, co hosts of mind power needs mystic.

Michelle Walters 0:07

Our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible to uplift your spirits to move forward with confidence and joy, and to create a space for your collaboration with the invisible. Welcome to mind power needs mystic.

Hi, everybody, Michelle Walters here. Cynthia is taking a week off. On this solo episode, I'm going to talk about affirmations. Do you know what an affirmation is? Do you use them? Well, if you aren't using them, I would highly recommend you consider it. They're very powerful, and they can do a lot to shape your mind and put you into a happier, better place drawn to you the things you want to get. So let's start. What is an affirmation? Well, an affirmation is a statement or a proposition that is declared to be true. It's essentially just something that you say to yourself, that you believe in. Now, there's been a lot of famous people associated with affirmations, probably no one more famous for affirmations than Louise Hay. Louise Hay wrote a book called you can heal your life. And in her book, she comes up with all of these affirmations that are specifically focused on on affirming health in various parts of your body. And so if you are experiencing pain or trouble in some kind of your some part of your body, I would recommend you take a look at Louise Hays book, you can heal your life because it is really all about affirmations and very curious and interesting about how she connects various affirmations to body parts and how that can help you to heal. Louise Hay is not the only big proponent of affirmations, there's a whole lot of other very famous people that will tell you that they're great, including Oprah, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and a whole host of other folks sort of New Age authors, media personalities, who will tell you just how powerful affirmations have been in their life, and drawing to them what it is they are trying to receive. So my next thing to talk about, is how can affirmations be used? Well, affirmations can be used for all kinds of things. They can be used for health, like I talked about with Louise Hay, they can also be used for money for a new house for a new job, for release for forgiveness, for hope, for having a good day for meeting the right person. Affirmations really can be used for just about anything, anything that you can imagine, could be part of an affirmation. And so if you are trying to get over something, if you are trying to draw something positive into your life, all of these objectives can be things that affirmations can work on.

So what makes affirmations work? Well, affirmations work, because even though you might not believe it right away, you actually control your thoughts. Yes, you do. You have control over your thoughts, even though sometimes it feels like maybe you don't. So, you have to believe that because well, it's just true. And the more you spend your time working on controlling your thoughts, the more you will come to see that this is true. Thoughts are things thoughts have an energetic signature. And so when you have a thought about something, it actually makes a little piece of energy in the universe exist with that belief that thought in it. And when you create affirmations as thoughts, you are essentially pushing your mind to focus on what you want. You are creating thoughts you are creating little energy signatures that send energy in the right direction to bring to you what you are affirming in your affirmations. thought of another way you're sort of crowding out what you don't want. You are making sure that you are putting your mind your brain your attention, your focus on things that you do want. And by doing that, there's much less space and time for your brain to toe, go the other direction, go the wrong direction, and be focused on things that you don't want. So something you need to understand about affirmations is that they must always be positive. Yes, affirmations means positive. And they should always be in the present tense, saying that something exists now. Now, this can be a little bit tricky, because sometimes maybe you're affirming something that, you know, in reality hasn't really quite come to be like, I receive a beautiful house, and you haven't actually received that house yet. But here's the thing, what you want to do is essentially play a little trick on your mind, and you want to affirm things before they even come to be. And while that might feel like you're being a little self deceptive, it is what you want to do. You don't want to say things like, I don't want more. Because when you say something like that, what's your brain and mind here is the word war. So that's no good. Instead, you want to focus on something like, I accept peace now. Because when you say I accept peace, now what your mind hears is peace and accept. And that's the positive form. So make sure when you are listening to affirmations, or coming up with your own affirmations, that you always put them in a positive present tense, this is very important.

So there are different ways that you can do affirmations. So you can do one statement on repeat, and just repeat the same thing over and over and over again. And this can be very positive and very effective. You can also do affirmations that are kind of a collected related set of statements, where you're saying different ideas that all sort of weave around a theme. And you're supporting that particular theme. The theme could be happy day, the theme could be worthiness, the theme could be something you're trying to bring into your life, it's often recommended that you do your affirmations in a consistent time and place. I personally suck at this, and they've worked just fine for me. So I think what's important is that if you are practicing doing affirmations that you do them, and you don't necessarily have to do them in a consistent time and place. Although for a lot of people that does help them to make a habit and get them done. You can do affirmations in all kinds of places like you don't have to just sit in one spot, doing nothing to do your affirmations. You can do your affirmations while you go for a walk. And you could just go for a walk and leave off your headphones and repeat your affirmations to yourself. I have done this many, many times. It's very, very powerful. You can do your affirmations while you're sitting on a bus. You can do your affirmations while you're doing the dishes. I do make a recommendation that you don't try doing your affirmations while you're driving, or doing something where it's very important or safety is important. Because you don't really want to take your brain off of your important safety task for affirmations. That many other circumstances affirmations work perfectly fine.

So another question I thought some people might have is does hypnosis use affirmations? And yes, I would say it does. Although it's a little bit tricky to explain, because typically, affirmations are something that you are using for yourself. So you're saying something over and over again to yourself or saying statements on a related theme that you're on repeat so that you're putting this thought into your mind. Now, the reason why I say hypnosis does use affirmations is that really what we say about hypnosis is that all hypnosis is self hypnosis. Because while you may be listening to a recording or working with a hypnotherapist, really it's the individual that is opening their mind to that process that makes the hypnosis happen. So affirmations in hypnosis Is or affirmations in any state of trance can be very, very powerful because in those states, your mind is particularly open. And so you might often hear a hypnotherapist sort of repeating some of the same ideas over and over again. And while I guess if the hypnotherapist is speaking them, they would technically be suggestions. The person who is receiving them, received them more as affirmations, because they are hearing them in their own mind and putting them into their own thought patterns, their own energy signatures. So, yes, hypnosis does use affirmations. But it's kind of like, it's really just transferring those thoughts over to the individual who is using those thoughts to supplant what might have been in their mind beforehand. And to that point, using affirmations while you are in a state of trance, or even while you're falling asleep, or waking up, these are times when the mind is particularly open. And so it's a really excellent time, to be able to use affirmations to kind of put these good thoughts on, on repeat these good thoughts on a high volume, really putting your attention to them. Because when you are that relaxed, and that open, it's a more powerful way of sending those messages into your brain and your thought pattern.

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hope this has been very helpful. If you do have questions about affirmations, feel free to shoot me. Shoot me a note. I'm happy to answer questions as I can. I did also want to make you aware Cynthia and I have a number of events coming up. Cynthia is doing some additional sound bath and Fifth Dimension events in Oakland. So please check her website for the details. And I am going to be offering a class at the end of November called boost your mood not your food. Details are on my website for that event. Thanks everybody for listening and have a great week. You've been listening to my power V's mystic

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Mind Power Meets Mystic
Where the subconscious meets spirit
Mind Power Meets Mystic explores how seemingly disparate events and ideas come together in unexpected and surprising ways. Nerd out with us as we dive into spirit, business, love, relationships, self-expansion, and life’s true purpose, with wild curiosity and a huge sense of humor.
* Are you wanting to understand more about the power of your mind and spirit?
* What would it mean to connect more deeply with your inner or higher self?
* Are you looking for an ah-ha?
* Is there a thinking pattern or life situation that you want to shift?
* Are you ready to face your biggest fears and push on your greatest strengths?
* How can you tap your subconscious to reframe and rewrite your thinking?

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About your host

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Cinthia Varkevisser