Episode 40

Published on:

25th Apr 2023

40. Live to Work or Work to Live? What's a person to do?

Cinthia Varkevisser speaks about HOW to share your gifts. There are four primary areas of work that are incorporated in the Japanese framework of Ikigai. She focuses specifically on the differences between profession and vocation, and how people of a certain age find themselves wanting to move from profession to vocation.

We will be following up our Earth Day Climate Conversations episode with a special live conversation with Lisa, Bobbi and Karen on Thursday April 27 at 12 pm Pacific. We'd love you to come, meet the team, and learn more about Climate Conversations and what we can all be doing to be kind to Mother Earth. To join, Register here:


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To learn more about Cinthia, visit www.cinthiavarkevisser.com


Cinthia Varkevisser 0:01

Hey, everyone, you're listening to my power meets mystic with Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser. My mind power buddy, Michelle Walters is letting me take the reins today. So I thought I would talk about something that we've been coming up with in my sessions with clients, which is are you live to work, or work to live? Now, that sounds a little bit vague. So let me give you the details. A lot of clients are coming in these days. And it usually happens around this time that they're unsatisfied with their jobs, they're not feeling like they're hitting their calling, they're not feeling like they are going to be able to advance. They're not feeling like they're being appreciated. There's a lot of Not, not not, not not. And my gig is to elevate you feel like you are doing the work that you're meant to do and feel really good about it.

So this is what I'd like to talk about, which is live to work, work to live, there are so many ways for you to fill your fulfill your purpose, a lot of people come to me and they feel like they need to do their life's work and that their life's work needs to be reflected in their actual work. So it makes me laugh, because if you're doing intuitive work, then the first thing that they feel like they must do these clients is become a reader. And the thought of doing readings just doesn't appeal to them. I will tell you that one of my favorite people that I grew up in the intuitive world with is an amazing into it. And she happened to be a cardiologist. And so she used her intuition to really pay attention to what her clients need. And then she would take care of them. And she used her compassion, her compassion, she would know through her intuition, how to speak with them and make them feel comfortable so that she's much more approachable. She also could hear what the ailments were. So yes, she worked on her Western medicine, and she relied on it as she should. And at the same time, she took her subtle skills, and listen to the variants, which is really important. Now that to me, is an amazing way to heal. There are a lot of intuits who are meant to be writers and painters because it brings out things for everyone. Emotions for everyone else gives them the opportunity to to feel and do not get me started on accountants CPAs. Attorneys, yes, they are intuitive as well. And they have souls purpose, which is to make sure that you have an advocate that you can live without fear that there's no shame where these places are going now, like Cinthia, I'm not any of those. Get on with it. So let's do this.

First thing I'd like to talk about is get really, really arrived and talk about all there are four areas of of work. And when you combine the four areas you have four other little things And then there's this one thing when you incorporate the four areas and the four combinations, and it's called Ikigai, it is Japanese, I have learned a little bit about Ikigai from reading books and listening to podcasts and programs about longevity. And how does how does Ikigai play into this, and you'll hear about it, right, which is, do the thing you love you love be kind to people, which they're specific. So let me go ahead and back it up. So Ikigai is the conversion to convergence of four areas of what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. Okay? So if we converge what you love, and what the world needs, that equals your mission. When you combine what the world needs, and what you can get paid for, that equals vocation, and we'll get to that in a moment. If you combine or not, even if let's go to when, when you combine what you can be paid for, and what you're good at. That, my friends is your profession. Now, when you converge, what should you be paid for and what you're good at? I just did that. If you put them all together, that is called Ikigai. That is your mission, your vocation, your profession, your passion, all together in one, that is the highest fighting thing that you can do for yourself and for others.

But just for today, because I only have a half hour with you. We're going to talk about your profession versus vocation. I love English, I love language. My mom was an English major. So she's the one that instilled it in me. And so I wanted to take a look at what's the difference between profession and vocation. I know what it feels like. But I wanted to make sure I understood what the definition is. So vocation is a broader term than profession. vocations, include a wide sense of purpose, and contribute contribution to the world. Whereas a profession constitutes a job or career with specific skills. So vocation has more sense of purpose than a profession, a profession is, what are you really good at that you can get that get paid for that as a certain set of skills, a lot of my clients come in, and they are professionals, they're in a profession, they are not in a vocation, it's not their calling. Most people that I know, that are my age, I happen to be 56, by the way, in their mid 40s, all all the way up, they find that they have fallen into a profession, and now they want to move towards vocation. A lot of times, people will feel like my clients will say, Hey, I know I meant to do something else. I don't know how to get there. So by doing a series of readdings, we get down to the place where people are ready to make a change, ready divide up, okay. There are certain people who are saying, let's go, let's get into it. Let me move, take that big leap. That is a huge, intuitive and spiritual thing to do is to take is to take that leap, because what you're doing is that you're shocking your system. You're really disorienting, your beliefs, you are challenging all your foundational values. It just is. It's a real great big mindfuck. And once you get past that, it's bliss. I mean it there's still a bunch of challenges. But it's not the same as not feeling your worth and feeling that you're just missing the mark in your life. All right.

So I have a story for you. A lot of people know that. I do intuitive work. I'm a coach. I'm a healer. I'm also a realtor. And I've been a realtor for over 15 years. And I would say the first 10 years. I was embarrassed to tell my spiritual community that I did real estate. And it was because I felt like I was letting them down or if I talked about my real estate that people would think that I was trying to get them to to buy property or for me to be their realtor, or, you know, just something like that. And in my real estate profession, I didn't want anybody to know that I did intuitive work, because I did want people to think that I was, you know, only working on feelings and emotions and, and the subtle things that I wanted people to understand that I did understand and love to negotiate. I love to get down to the nitty gritty of what people want in their home. I love seeing the transition. So

the reason I'm asked I'm talking about this is I wasn't thriving in my real estate community. And I wasn't thriving in my intuitive work. And it's because I didn't put it all together. So what that looked like is I would go to a ton of coaching sessions for my real estate work, and say, you know, why can't I get to this place? Why can't I do these things? And the people would say, Well, how did you get into real estate? This is how three people from three different parts of my life, told me in one week, that I would be a really good realtor. So I thought, ooh, sign from the universe, I need to be a realtor.

Now, before I go on with the story, like to remind you that you're listening to mine power meets mistake with Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser., Michelle is letting me have the spotlight today.

So we are talking about live to work or work to live. Okay, backing up, or actually continuing on. So people will say, Well, what is your why? And like, I don't know what my why is what I do know is that people said I would be a great realtor. And, you know, like, like this, some people would do, I just kind of floated through, I floated through for 10 years, saying, Wow, if I'm supposed to be a good realtor, people are naturally just going to come to me, that is not even close to the truth.

Now let's go to the other side, which is my intuitive work, I love my intuitive work, I would do so many things for my for my intuitive work. And that wasn't thriving either. And that I'm like, This is my calling. This is what I'm supposed to do. And yet, I wasn't sustaining myself. So I had to have that. That other thing. So what happened, I realized that I am only a part of myself in one profession. And I'm only part of myself in my vocation. So I need to be vocation in my profession, and profession of my vocation, meaning that I need to be 100% of who I am 100% of the time. So yes, talk about intuition, and house clearings and house blessings and energy versus structural damage and real estate, and talk about projections and finance and numbers and quarterly transactions. When I'm talking about my intuitive work, it all is the same thing. It's all one. Okay.

Now, how does this apply to you? If you find that you're in a place where you're ready to make that leap, and you know what that leap is, you can do one of two things, you can move along, and just make that leap. Maybe, as one of my clients said, it's going to be ramen for a couple of years. And once they're willing to make that, quote, unquote, sacrifice, you know, or I know as the healer, that they really are ready that they're willing to take that chance they're there, their willingness to risk is greater than their willingness to stay in comfort, right. The other way to do it, is to take baby steps. Now, let me back up. Because I'm made an assumption that I don't want to do that. Making that big leap, is how you get to work to live. Work to live means that you're perfect you the work that you do is so much fun, and fulfills you so much that that you enjoy the things that you do so much that it's not considered work. I love hearing about people who say I love my work so much. I don't care how much I get paid. Because really, I would do this stuff for free. And the little piece that I don't like, I'm getting paid a shit ton of money to do it. Right. That's fantastic. So these are people who live to work. People who work to live, they work their job, they do their job really well. They have integrity, and as soon as the clock stops, they go They do the thing that makes them absolutely happy and joyful. That could be think about the actors who are willing to work in restaurants and take on other other jobs in order to support their acting career as they're looking for ways to, to jump into that profession, or their vocation. Think about other artists who are willing to do the work. That is not their love their vocation. And, and as soon as they get off their their work, they're doing the thing that really makes them happy, that's work to live. That also happens to be people who are incredibly happy I, I

My ex brother in law was this person, he would do his job, he enjoyed his job. It's not like he loved it, he had no desire to move up, or, you know, be incredibly ambitious. But what he loved was nature. And so he took all his money to go on vacations, and he loved nature so much, he stayed within his state. So it didn't cost a whole lot of money. He spent his money to get a boat, because he loved to fish, he spent his money to, you know, get licenses to hunt these kinds of things. And that's what made his heart sing. That is work to live. There is nothing wrong with that. He is living his best life. And he's showing his family how to be joyful, right? So there is no right way or wrong way. However, if you find that you're stuck, right? It's okay to want to be live to work. And understand it's time to work to live. So here are the things that I recommend for you is first thing that you want to do is you want to decide what is that going to what is the thing that I'm going to make a leap to the beauty of in work to live is that you give yourself time to kind of fine tune what it is that you're looking for. There is this one woman I know she's client, she wants to hop into film, and her current profession does not make a straight leap. So the first thing we did is we looked at all the connections between the two, so that she when she goes out and talks to people for this leap, that she can help other people make the connections of why it's not such a big deal to go from one. One profession to another. If that makes sense. Then once you do that, what you need to do is figure out what is the money that while I'm biting that sub biding your time, while I'm figuring out this piece, what is the money? What is the finance? What do the finances look like? So that when I'm ready to take that next step, that it won't be so frightening to me financially, or it with time, or with whatever concerns that you may have. All right. So that's the second thing. The third thing is to make connections. Now, here's the thing that I find most interesting is that a lot of people who are in their profession, wanting to change it to vocation, they are.

They are saying I really want to do this thing. But they're not telling anybody. So this is the time to get curious and have fun with curiosity. Go talk to someone and tell everybody, whoever that someone is, it could be someone in the grocery store line, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're telling the universe, that you're willing to explore these things, so that you can create space and momentum for the next step towards your vocation. Okay, then the last thing that I recommend is that you make sure that you do a work. People who want to live to work, believe that they need to do a plus work wherever they go. I'm not saying don't be an A plus person. What I'm saying is, if you're going home coming home from work exhausted, because you're doing a plus work. What I'm saying is bump it down just a little bit and do a work, save some of that energy so that you can do your next thing. When you start creating that space and that momentum. Trust me the energy will come back and it will vitalize you the thing that's going to be very nice as as you get excited to as you get excited moving towards that next step. What happens is it creates better boundaries for your work. Your current work So here's what that looks like. A lot of times people don't want to move over because they are in a pleasing mode, or they're in a financially, financially stable mode in which, you know, making a leap is a little bit scary for them. And, or, and or they are problem solvers, a lot of entrepreneurs are problem solvers. And artists are problem solvers, because they can look at things in multiple ways, different different spheres, I think, is the best way to say that they're spiritual thinkers, as well as logical thinker. So they get to bounce around a noodle and find a solution. The thing that I like with my intuition is that I can make really good connections. So I don't think I'm a very good matchmaker when it comes to, you know, romance and intimacy. But when it comes to work, I'm really good at going, Oh, my God, go talk to that person. Even if they're not in that thing. There's a negative information, I know that by the two of you connecting, we'll something really, really good will come out of that. Okay. So now let's get back.

Once this is done, once this is done, and we are moving towards the next step towards our vocation, remember, I said that you will have better boundaries, what this means is, you'll be so excited to keep going into that next phase, that you'll be much more clear about what you want to do in your work. It's very important not to, to go down and get burnout, you don't want burnout in your job, what you want is to have consistently, really good work, no one you're going to stop, know how you are solving your problems in order to keep that energy for after work. And for your next step. Okay, so these are the things that I recommend for you, to help you go from work to live, to live to work, and there's nothing wrong with work to live. It is very satisfying. It is also amazing

If you're live to work, there are no wrong answers here, people, what I want you to know is you'll hear this, from me all the time that I have two rules whenever you're with me, right? Which is Oh, and if and if you cannot abide by these two rules, you gotta get the fuck out. So number one is that you're always right. When your intuition is talking with you, and your desire is say is is that voice is becoming louder than your than your logic. Your intuition is really, really talking to you. Pay attention, you're always right. So long as you don't get emotional or overthink it. That's another episode. Okay. So work your intuition, you're always right. It's not your body. What does that mean? Sometimes, if you're in a in an atmosphere, or in an environment, that you're not the only one that's dissatisfied with your work, you'll find that the energy is low that people could be getting headaches, that there are coughs, that there are all these there are all these things that there are a lot of people who want to take PTO or need to have extended vacations weekends, it's because their battery is going so low, that they need to recharge and their low battery is aiding are also zapping your inner battery. Okay? So that's what I say it's not your body, go back, really get into your energy and stick with your energy. You do not want your joy to the next step, get zapped by other people's energy. So this is why it's very important. Now I'm giving you some tips and tricks. I hope you enjoy the information that was provided. If you have any questions, please feel free to to reach out. You can question through the thread on the podcast or come find me at www dot Cinthiavrakevisser.com or hit me up on Instagram or Facebook. You are listening to mine power meets mystic with Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, please follow us we have such good information for you. And we make sure to interview people who have much value to provide for you as well. So follow us see what's up. Tell your friends and family. He'll love this I promise you you'll love us alright take care. Bye!

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Mind Power Meets Mystic
Where the subconscious meets spirit
Mind Power Meets Mystic explores how seemingly disparate events and ideas come together in unexpected and surprising ways. Nerd out with us as we dive into spirit, business, love, relationships, self-expansion, and life’s true purpose, with wild curiosity and a huge sense of humor.
* Are you wanting to understand more about the power of your mind and spirit?
* What would it mean to connect more deeply with your inner or higher self?
* Are you looking for an ah-ha?
* Is there a thinking pattern or life situation that you want to shift?
* Are you ready to face your biggest fears and push on your greatest strengths?
* How can you tap your subconscious to reframe and rewrite your thinking?

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Cinthia Varkevisser