Episode 67

Published on:

22nd Nov 2023

66. Unveil the Energy Boost: Mind Power & Mystic Insights on Gratitude

Title: Mind Power Meets Mystic - Episode: Art Tips for Gratitude


  • Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic! Join hosts Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser in exploring the power of gratitude in the month of November.
  • Michelle and Cinthia express their excitement for National Gratitude Month and introduce the focus of the episode: Art Tips for Gratitude.

Segment 1: The Energy of Gratitude

  • Cinthia discusses the energetic benefits of gratitude, describing it as an energy enhancer and a way to shift emotional outlook.
  • Michelle emphasizes the importance of countering a "want more" mindset in a culture driven by constant desires.
  • Gratitude as a tool for maintaining balance and avoiding comparison in competitive situations.

Segment 2: Small Moments of Gratitude

  • Michelle and Cinthia share personal experiences and perspectives on gratitude.
  • Michelle highlights the power of finding gratitude in small, everyday moments to counteract the cultural pressure for constant accumulation.
  • Cinthia emphasizes the value of recognizing the little things and expressing gratitude for the details in life.

Segment 3: Incorporating Gratitude in Work

  • Michelle shares how she integrates gratitude into her work, specifically in tracking metrics and acknowledging opportunities for growth.
  • Cinthia discusses the role of gratitude in building deeper connections with clients and staying grounded in humility.
  • The rewarding aspects of working with clients and finding joy in witnessing others in their higher states.

Segment 4: Tips and Tricks for Practicing Gratitude

  • Michelle's tip: Using gratitude as a soundtrack in daily activities to foster a mindset of appreciation.
  • Cinthia's tip: The power of saying "thank you" with intention, emphasizing the importance of taking a breath before and after expressing gratitude.

Segment 5: Using Gratitude in Grief and Manifestation

  • Michelle shares a personal tip on reframing grief through gratitude and appreciating the experiences that led to the loss.
  • Cinthia discusses the use of gratitude in manifesting desires, sharing a story about a laptop manifestation through a gratitude circle.

Segment 6: Closing Thoughts and Events

  • Michelle and Cinthia express gratitude to listeners and invite them to share feedback and leave a five-star review.
  • Michelle discusses upcoming events, including "Nourish and Flourish" and "Boost Your Mood, Not Your Food."
  • Cinthia announces the "Spiritual Spa Experience" event with Santana Deluce and the "F**k Fear, Power Up Your Purpose" four-day event in May 2024.


  • A heartfelt thank you to listeners for being part of Mind Power Meets Mystic.
  • Stay tuned for more episodes exploring the intersection of mind power and mysticism.

Michelle Walters can be found at https://www.michellewalters.net/

Cinthia Varkevisser can be found at https://www.cinthiavarkevisser.com/


Hi, we're Cinthia Varkevisser And Michelle Walters, co hosts of Mind Power Meets Mystic,

our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible to

uplift your spirits, to move forward with confidence and joy,

and to create a space for your collaboration with the invisible. Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic. Welcome, friends, you are listening to Mind Power Meets Mystic with me, Michelle Walters, and my co host Cinthia Varkevisser. We are here in November, national gratitude month. And we are going to talk today a little bit about our tips for gratitudes. Because we all know gratitudes are a very powerful thing to do. And Cinthia and I have come across several great ways of incorporating them in one's life. So Cinthia Why don't you tell our listeners why you like gratitude so much.

I love gratitude, because it is an Energy Center, an energy enhancer. And what happens is once we get out of our emotional state, and really can feel into our gratitudes our emotional outlook has changed physically we relax more, and you can take a look at things with much sharper eyes. Can't get much better than that. What do you think?

by it's just part of the the:

I agree. The other thing is, you know, I'm pretty competitive, right? I just came back from Boston to see Amber and she was in the flag football championships and to watch the competition. It built something up inside of me. And I believe competition is also very important. And it's telling and it's a great teacher. But it can also flip to the other side. And the thing about gratitudes is that there's no comparison, it's I played my best game, I'm really grateful to have had this opportunity, it's being able to acknowledge someone else and not take away from myself, or, you know, or knocking down someone in order to make myself feel better. Which know, if you watch a lot of sports, people tend to look at the officiants and blame it on the officials. And you know, hey Ralph or whatever. So when my competitive side flips and becomes egotistical, then you know that i It's follows the lack just like you're talking about. And gratitude reminds me that there's enough for everybody. And today is not my day in this space. And congratulations for you that it's yours.

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I also think that it's a very normal thing for people to forget to be thankful for the little things for you know, the day the barista remembers what you want to drink, or the day that your friend or partner comes home a few minutes early and you get some extra time together. Like a lot of people I think focus on gratitudes in terms of thinking about all of the you know, the big things I got to take a I recently got back from a absolutely fantastic cruise. Vacation, and boy, am I grateful for that. But I'm not just grateful for that I'm grateful for all the little moments on my trip, the the carrot salad at a really good restaurant, you know, little little things are, it's important to be thankful for them, because they're all an incredibly important part of the human experience. And I think that's what we're here for. We're here for that body experience for that getting to experience all of those things. And yeah, going into this Thanksgiving, I'm particularly thankful.

I know, isn't it great, I, you know, I, I love that we both had these great experiences the same week. I mean, that's just an it's, it was an odd thing to happen. And it was also very beautiful to come back and talk about all the things that we learned. And, oh, that's the other thing is, we are we are a species that is, has the opportunity to continually learn, and that we don't always have to be in, like, fight or freeze at. And so all the moments that we're not in one of those three, three positions. You know, that is a that's a moment of gratitude that we get to be calm, you know, and, yeah, so it's lovely. So, but from this space, I'd love to talk about how you use it in work before we talk about our tips and tricks. Right? How do you use it in your work?

It can be thought of ways in my work. I use it when I'm working on my metrics, you know, how many people have listened to a podcast? How many people did I get a chance to meet or speak to last week, and, and being thankful for, for those occasions and opportunities? Because they are an important part of, of growing me and growing my business? What about you?

I use it right before a session with a client. So when I go in, I center myself and then I call in for energy and help from teachers and guides as well. And then I finish up with I'm so grateful that for the opportunity to work with this person. And what it does is it puts me back into humility. Because that reminds me that I am of service. And it also helps me connect to that person because as soon as I say their name with the gratitude, then my energy merges in with their energy. And then I can go ahead and make a deeper connection. Besides that, anytime that I'm able to talk to someone about the thing that lights them up. I'm super grateful because I get to witness somebody in their higher state. And that's where we all get to be every time we want. Right?

Yeah, I was talking to a friend yesterday about sort of a Why do I do the work I do. I could be doing other works that would be more profitable, like you'd be doing other words that would achieve other objectives. I do this work because I love it. I feel so rewarded when people are able to change when people are able to see something a new way when people are able to let go of something or a habit or a thought that doesn't serve anymore. And I'm so thankful for being in a place where I get to do this kind of work.

Yeah, it is pretty rewarding. I do I love that. It's I love that so much extremely.

So we had a few tips and tricks we wanted to share with our users today. I'll go ahead and start. So one of the ways that I like to use gratitudes are when I am in the throes of grief. And many of our listeners already know I've been through my fair share of grief I've lost a couple of Dear Dear partners as well as many other friends and you know my my experience is not all that unusual. But when I am feeling those feelings and having those moments of loss. It's not always easy, but the more that I can reframe what I'm thinking about to remembering why I'm experiencing that At last, what am I what was the experience I had, who was the person I'm thinking of, what did we do and how thankful I am that that person experience, whatever occurred in my life, because I wouldn't be having that grief if I hadn't have had an experience that I was truly thankful for. And so, for our listeners out there, when you are experiencing grief, see what you can do in terms of re spinning that as something that you're grateful for a person, a past place you lived, I wonderful, whatever it is that you feel you've lost. That's my number one tip.

I love that so much. Grief is grief is so big, no. So to be able to feel it, even just a little bit is lovely. I am going to start my tip with the power of Thank you. What I've found, in my travels, is a lot of people do amazing things. And then you thank them for it. And I do this myself, and we say thank you. And then we move on as quickly as possible. Because that one tiny space after thank you is very uncomfortable. It is the receiving of energy and acknowledgement. And believe it or not, when you say thank you when people say thank you, and take a breath before say that they say thank you. And then they take a breath. Afterwards, they say thank you, what happens is that the energy of that acknowledgement, gets to really interact in your energetic body. And the thank you then becomes much more heartfelt rather than rote. And then having that other breath allows us to take that thank you and, and send it out with sincerity. And believe it or not, the more that people accept their thank yous or accept their acknowledgments, and allow this breath before and after a thank you. Their confidence level moves up on a much quicker pace, then by doing all these different actions, because when you start realizing and feeling what it is to have that recognition, then it's easier to accept not only from the outside, but from within. So taking that breath before and after. Thank you.

I love it. That's an excellent one. I want to remind all of our listeners right now that you are listening to Mind Power Meets Mystic with me, Michelle Walters, I'm mind power, and Cinthia Varkevisser, my co host who is our mystic, we would ask that you pause the podcast right now and give us a five star review, whether that's on Spotify, or Apple podcasts, or wherever you may be listening to this. We really want your ratings and reviews so that we can continue to evolve the show. And the other thing that we are going to ask you for this week, even though this is about being thankful we will thank you, as you share this podcast with a friend, you can share this episode, you could share another episode that you really liked. But we would love for you to reach out to your network. And think of who might, who might be interested in some of the things that we're talking about here and share our podcast, it would mean a great deal. Now, back to gratitudes. Yay. So my second tip for our gratitudes today is that I like to think of making my gratitudes like a soundtrack. And what I mean by that is kind of like you have a song in your head or you have sort of something that's just kind of going on like music in the background of the store, whatever I like to try and think about when I'm on a walk or when I'm folding laundry or kind of any of those sort of quiet times. How can I incorporate gratitudes into the background of that? You know, is it being thankful for the nice warm feeling of the clothes as they come out of the dryer? Can I be thankful for that? Can I be thankful that clothes are made better today and that I don't really have to organize my darks and lights so much like being thankful for little things along the way and incorporating that, that sense of gratitude, those observations of gratitude in even the most every day activities. So to the degree that this works for you give it a try because it just puts you in a much better space of recognizing all the blessings in your life as opposed to that won't won't want that I talked about earlier.

I'm sorry, I'm laughing because you know what sounds like wah wah on.

Yeah, it does sounds like Charlie Brown's Christmas Special, doesn't it?

Exactly. And that makes sense. Because that's really what's going on. I love that idea. Because I haven't put it into practice. So I want to talk to you more about this offline, is having that backtrack of, of positivity and gratitude rather than, you know, a lot of people really beat themselves up. You know, in their, in their, in their

backtrack. Yeah, people do. People bad. And it's, it's, it's sad and limiting and makes the world in black and white world as opposed to a color world.

Right. Definitely more drab. Yeah, that is that's not a word that I like, I don't know about you. No,

I'm not a drab. Definitely. Cinthia,

this one is a fun one for me. Because a lot of people? Well, you know, my favorite thing to say is that the odds of someone being just like you is one in 68 trillion. This is for the people who are in their minds a lot. And it's similar to the BACtrack that you're talking about. People believe that if you exercise a lot, that it gets rid of your stress. That's true for a lot of people, but not for everyone. Because stress can be unlocked mentally, but it also can be, I mean, can be unlocked, physically, but also unlock mentally. So a lot of people who are more mentally spirited, I think is the best way to say it. They get more inspired through thoughts and ideas and being in their head. But that's also where people can spin out of control, and go down rabbit holes and things like that. And when they exercise, they'll feel better, they have the endorphins, but it hasn't unlocked the stress. And the unlocking of the stress is actually a way to slow down or stop that, that hamster wheel. So by saying gratitudes, especially before you go to bed, and really feeling into those gratitudes instead of seeing them by rote, but really thinking back on the day or just about the people you love or the animals that you have in your life. It doesn't really matter. But really feeling into those gratitudes before going to sleep actually promotes sleep. It also cuts down on the time between wake and sleep. So gratitudes before going to bed.

Love it. I think it's a great thing to do. It's talking to your subconscious. And that's what we want to do right before you fall asleep. Very powerful.

That's your world. That's totally like your speech.

So my third and final tip for this episode today is I like to use gratitudes when I am angry. And this doesn't happen that often. I try not to be somebody who flames up pretty quickly. We've always talked about how I like water, I am much more of a flow person than a fire person. Although I can, I can light up. And when that happens to me, one of the fastest ways I have found to take myself out of that angry energy when it is not serving me is to just start being thankful for anything. Being thankful for my vision, being thankful for shoes on my feet, being thankful for anything. There is something very therapeutic about moving into a space of gratitude as a means of disarming that angry feeling. And since I don't like feeling angry, it's it's a technique I use a lot.

You rarely get angry. Well, you know how to temper yourself, which is pretty amazing. And why you're such a good influence on me.

Thank you.

Thank you for that.

It's it. It is a good thing about me. Um but I do get angry. Everybody gets angry from time to time. And when I am angry, I don't like that feeling. And so jumping into a mode of I'm thankful for the fall season and the pretty colors on the trees, whatever it takes something to change that. Just change the energy. Really, really, I find really, really helpful.

Right? I agree. There is I mean, there is value in anger.

And, and power, power in anger.

That is right, that is true. And it's also very important to not over overstay your welcome. And anger. Yep, that's a big one. I am going to mine kind of falls in line with this. This one has to do with intentions and manifesting. And I have a story behind this a long time ago, this is when my Swami Mami Connie was still alive, she met these people that were in tenders and the intenders came from the island of Maui. And, and they started these intention circles. And what they did is that they would go to people's houses, and then just set up how intentions were to be done. So this is like the grandfather, or let's just make it the grandmother, the grandmother of how people are intending today, right to how they do their gratitudes and intentions. So they would get into a circle. And what would happen is that someone would start throwing out intention, and gratitudes sorry, the drought gratitudes. And with every gratitude, you could feel them just filling up, you know, with joy and abundance and just these things, and you kept saying these gratitudes until you felt overflowing energetically. And then from that space of abundance that you would create these intentions. And intentions could be as specific or as general as you'd like. So, being the skeptic that I was, and I still kind of am a skeptic, I went to one of these gratitude circles. And there's no time limit to it. Because sometimes it takes a while for someone. You know, if you're in a poopy mood, it's hard to get to that place of overflowing, right. The other thing that was really interesting is that in a gratitude circle, even when you're in a poopy mood, if you're not the first one to go, the gratitude of others, you can feel the uplift and the energy in the circle, start to generate and grow. So that also helped tip over. So it was my turn we did, I did my gratitudes and I asked for a computer to come to me a laptop computer. And this is when laptops were brand spanking new to come to me free and easily. Right. Yeah. And I'm like, Why? Why not? What the hell, right? It's costing me nothing but gratitude. And so I did it. I didn't think anything of it. I had a couple days later, I had a new client, who was a mess. I mean, their whole house at this time, I was an organizer, and for business and their house was a mess. Like their bedroom even had files on it. And so we were we were calling through. And I mean, we could go that could be a whole session, but like I saw check stone chips, check stubs in the kitchen, that kind of thing. And as we're going through, he says, Oh, he says, I have this Apple laptop. I'm not using it anymore. And he says you want it. And I was like, Holy fuck.

Now, this is a very good point. gratitudes can be very magnetic. Yes. And are an important component in the power of manifesting and attraction. There is a whole section in my book, there's a whole step that is around thankfulness and gratitudes when my husband, Bruce was really sick. I, he needed a lung transplant. This was what the doctor said he needed in order to live and I started just thanking the universe, God, my angels, whoever you want to call it, thanking them for his successful transplant. And I was doing this kind of internally to myself telling people that he was going to get this transplant, it was all going to be okay, for months and months and months. And sure enough, it all came to be and I think that part of that manifesting was with these essentially gratitude affirmations. Just like your computer, the computer story. Oh,

it's hilarious. And at that time, I was totally anti Mac. And so what did I do? I pooped I shit on it. I'm like, I don't want this Mac. And so I took it because, you know, you say thank you, it's a gift. And then then I, I should on and I said, I don't know what to do with this Mac, I am a PC person, bla bla bla. And, you know, what a, what a message to send to the universe, right? It was free, it was easy. And then, and then I was a butthead about it. It was. It's, it's a wonderful learning lesson. And you know, to think about it now, gratitude circles are amazing. And, you know, I don't think I don't think we have them anymore, where it's just a pure gratitude circle. I also will tell you that one of the people that was coming in my classes when I was teaching psychic and intuitive development classes at the time, we were doing these intended groups. She had three pages of what to intend on her husband. And she got him. She got him. And the part that cracked me up is, after all this, she said, I forgot to and they were married. She says I forgot to put nonsmoker on there. And I'm like, Yeah, I get it. And you got a pretty great guy.

Fabulous. That's absolutely fabulous. Cynthia, before we wrap our episode, is there anything else you want to share with our listeners about gratitude?

Gratitude is good grease. And what I mean about that is, when we are in gratitude, even for the smallest of things, we slide into this energetic area of things go easily for us. And so, you know, good grease, that's the best way I can explain it. So if things are going a little bit wonky, get back into the good grace.

I love it. So we are reaching towards the end of our podcast and it's time for us to talk about all the great things we have coming up. So I'll start, I have several events coming up over the next couple of months. I have my nourish and flourish, which is going to focus on gratitude. It is on Friday, November 24 At noon online. And you can sign up for this and all of my events on my classes page at Michelle walters.net/classes. If you can't make the one on November 24, come to nourish and flourish on Friday, December 8, also online and that one is going to be focused on giving and receiving. I want to also let our new our listeners know I have another event coming up. This is going to be an online class 45 minutes of class time followed by 45 minutes of hypnosis time called boost your mood, not your food. With the holidays approaching. There's an awful lot of food coming and an awful lot of potentially stressful situations. And I want to help people think about and empower them to move the needle in the right direction without overeating and without overstressing. signups for that are also on my website or you can email me. What do you have coming up, Cinthia?

I'm so glad you asked. I am doing an event with the magical Alchemist, Santana DaLuz. She and I are co creators of brown mystic magic. And we have a spiritual spa experience coming up in Oakland. It's in person on the 27th of November in Oakland. And it's an amazing thing. What it is, is a an opportunity for people to come in and get a healing experience, as well as information for their emotional body, their spiritual body and their energetic body. It's a two hour. It's a two hour event. Super cool. And we do this. We do this twice a month.

So if you can't make it this time, how do people get in touch with you for that experience?

event that's coming up in May:

I I want to do an important gratitude right now. And that is thank you to all of our listeners. Without you, we wouldn't be here and we wouldn't keep going and we wouldn't keep doing this podcast. So thank you so much for being part of our world, our clients or future clients or friends or collaborators or supporters. Thank you listeners. We really appreciate you.

Thank you. You've been listening to Mind Power Meets Mystic.

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Mind Power Meets Mystic
Where the subconscious meets spirit
Mind Power Meets Mystic explores how seemingly disparate events and ideas come together in unexpected and surprising ways. Nerd out with us as we dive into spirit, business, love, relationships, self-expansion, and life’s true purpose, with wild curiosity and a huge sense of humor.
* Are you wanting to understand more about the power of your mind and spirit?
* What would it mean to connect more deeply with your inner or higher self?
* Are you looking for an ah-ha?
* Is there a thinking pattern or life situation that you want to shift?
* Are you ready to face your biggest fears and push on your greatest strengths?
* How can you tap your subconscious to reframe and rewrite your thinking?

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About your host

Profile picture for Cinthia Varkevisser

Cinthia Varkevisser