Episode 103

Published on:

11th Sep 2024

103. Master Your Empathic Power: Tips to Stay Aligned and Energized

Episode Overview:

In this episode of Mind Power Meets Mystic, Cinthia Varkevisser dives deep into the concept of the Empowered Empath. With Michelle Walters taking time off, Cinthia addresses the challenges empaths face when managing their energy levels. She offers practical advice on how to stay aligned and maintain energetic boundaries, even when faced with conflict or emotional challenges.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Energy Management for Empaths
  2. Cinthia explains how many empaths may feel their energy is sporadic or drained, and provides tips for tuning up and staying aligned with your own energy.
  3. Empaths in Service
  4. Empaths often find themselves in service-oriented roles, whether it's in a profession, community, or family. Cinthia reminds listeners that self-care and energy tune-ups are crucial, not just for others but for themselves too.
  5. Recognizing Misalignment in Everyday Situations
  6. Cinthia gives real-life examples of common situations where an empath's energy might be impacted:
  • Witnessing conflict in public (like in a store).
  • Feeling uncomfortable in meetings due to mismatched vibes.
  • Offering unsolicited advice when someone just needs to vent.
  1. Empath Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fix
  2. Cinthia breaks down the four ways empaths may respond when they are out of alignment:
  • Fight: Defensive energy, often manifesting as boundary work.
  • Flight: Physically or emotionally withdrawing from the situation.
  • Freeze: Overwhelm or confusion, leading to inaction.
  • Fix: The desire to offer solutions and advice, which may not always be aligned.
  1. Practical Tools for Alignment
  2. Cinthia provides tools to help listeners tune up their empathic powers:
  • Expanding Your Energy Field: A guided exercise to expand your energy without needing rigid boundaries.
  • Ole That Energy: A fun visualization tool to let unwanted energy pass by without impacting your space.
  • Simple Phrases for Overwhelm: How to use non-committal phrases like “How interesting” to dissipate the energy of others without draining your own.
  1. Special Giveaway
  2. Cinthia and Michelle are offering a special giveaway—a session combining Cinthia’s intuitive reading with Michelle’s tailored hypnotherapy, designed to help listeners align and amplify their energy.

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  • Like and comment on the Mind Power Meets Mystic podcast.
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  • We love hearing your questions and curiosities—get in touch and let us know what you want to learn more about.

Episode Takeaways:

  • Tune in to check your energy alignment and discover how to maintain your empowered empathic nature.
  • Understand the importance of self-service as an empath and avoid burnout by staying energetically balanced.
  • Join Cinthia in exploring the power of vulnerability and how it strengthens empathic connections.


This episode offers a deep dive into the empathic experience, with real-world tips and tools you can start using right away. Whether you're in fight, flight, freeze, or fix mode, there are simple yet powerful ways to stay aligned with your highest energy.

Stay connected, and may you be blessed in everything you do today!

Cinthia Varkevisser can be found at www.cinthiavarkevisser.com

Michelle Walters can be found at www.michellewalters.net


Hey, hey, hey, everyone. Welcome to mind power meets mystic. This is Cinthia Varkevisser, your residential mystic. Michelle Walters is taking well deserved time off, because she has been working her butt off lately, and if you haven't seen her, she is working on her five day challenge that I highly recommend you all check out. So here we are, Mind Power Meets Mystic. I thought it would be a good time to talk about the Empowered empath. The reason I'm talking about this is I found that a lot of my friends are having challenges with their energy level. Not that they don't know how to work their energy, but they find that it's a little bit sporadic. And if they're having challenges. I'm feeling like maybe everyone else probably needs a little bit of a refresher as well. Now, if you're listening to mind, power meets mystic, I am pretty sure that you know that you have intuitive qualities and that you are an empath. And you're saying, Cinthia, I know what to do. I throw up my protection. I do these things, and I say, bravo. I totally believe you, and let's check in and see if there aren't any places where you need a tuna. Okay, I'm willing to bet that if you are listening to this podcast, that you are somehow of service, that you're either in service in a service related profession, that you're in service to your community, that you are the caregiver, or completely in service to your family, and we completely forget that we need to be in service to ourselves. This is not a self care thing again, this is about a tune up, and I want to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves by seeing if we are maybe missing in some of these places. So let me do a couple of quick check ins. When we are completely in our power and things are going our way. We know that people have with you. Do you? I? Do me? What else do people say? It's not my barbecue, not my circus. What I'm saying is you know that that person is in their energy, and that you're watching them in their energy, and you are compassionate as they're working out their thing, and you're standing in your energy listening to whether or not you go in and help and be of service, or you stay in observer mode, which is also a form of service. So let's make sure whether or not you are really holding your line as an empath, meaning that you're really in your power. So let me give you a couple of questions and see if you've done this lately. These are examples, by the way, so find a way to make it relevant, to make sure you're okay, right? Number one, lately, have you been in line at a store and you see some kind of conflict? Maybe it's, you know, the customer is upset because they're not getting the price that they want from the checkout clerk, or the checkout clerk is got a little bit of an attitude or whatever, but you see this exchange and it makes you uncomfortable, because you know, there's conflict, however, it's conflict, right? And that happens. But when you get up to the clerk, you'll find that you are uncomfortable because you feel the energy of that. So even though you witnessed it five people back, you felt some sort of way. But when you are in the actual space of the conflict that you're feeling the conflict kind of taking you uncomfortable, if that's what you feel, guess what? You are not completely in alignment, and that energy is now seeping into your space. Okay, what about have you ever been to a meeting lately and in person, and you feel that the vibe is not right, either the person in front of you is not vibing with you, you know across from you, or the person to your side is is not. With you just feel uncomfortable. You actually turn your body, you shift your body to the side as a personal shield from this space, so that you're not directly in front of that person's energy or directly in line with that person's energy. If you're doing that, guess what? You are slightly misaligned with your empathic power. The third one, of course, my favorite, is because everyone knows that you're the go to for challenges and needing to vent, you know, and people need to vent that they just listen. This actually just happened to me this morning. Someone needed to vent. And without knowing it, you're offering advice. It's unsolicited. Guess what? You are not aligned with your empathic power unless you're channeling that information, and your channel is saying, Go forth and submit this information you're coming from your empathic place, which is doesn't mean that you're there to share, but that you have this information, that means that you need to bump up your empathic power or alignment. Okay, so have you found yourself doing one of those things? Trust me, this is my profession for decades, and I find that I still do this stuff from time to time. It happens to the best of us, because we're human beings. Okay, so let's talk about it, but before we talk about what we can do to fluff ourselves up and enhance our empowered empath. I want to talk about how we respond, because once we know how we respond, we also know which way we what tools we can use that work for us. Okay, the first one. Oh, just so, you know, not the first one. Just so, you know, empaths protect themselves similarly, when people are in a fear based mode, this is what I mean. When we're in fear, what you hear is that you're either in fight, that you're in flight, or that you're in freeze as an empath. When we are not exactly in alignment, we are in fight, flight, freeze or fix. Those are the four places that we go. So you're like, ah, Cinthia, I don't do that. Well, here's an example. Ah, say boundaries. I need to work on my boundaries. I gotta work up on my boundaries. That's a defensive mode, and that is similar to a fight simulation. Okay, so when we are saying that, what we're doing is that we're putting our energy on the boundary and not our empowerment, there's a difference. One is defensive and one is is expansive, right? One checks in and the other one expands out. The second one has to do with flight. Flight. You're saying, God Cinthia, I don't do that. I don't run. Well if you find that you are turning in another direction, just like I said, where you're moving your body, or if you pretend that you haven't seen that person, guess what you are in flight mode. After flight mode, there's the third, which is freeze people who are not aligned in their empathic energy, the freeze is also overwhelmed. So if you're feeling overwhelmed, if you're feeling confused, that is similar to a freeze mode. And then the last one is fix. And I find that empaths like to do this the best, because what what they feel is, if they can go ahead and fix it, makes them feel good because they have participated in a certain way, and they're giving people advice on how to go ahead and take care of themselves. The challenge is, is sometimes people do this. Want someone to listen or vent, or they don't want to change. They just want to get some kind of energy from you, right? And I'm not saying that they're, you know, quote, unquote vampires, but there are people who like to stay within their challenge. And trust me, I know what that's like, because I'm, I'm one of them, right? And so the empaths, those who are on the listening side or the receiving side. When they don't want to deal with this anymore, they meaning that it's getting into their energy and it's starting to drain them, or whatever. Then they go into fix.

Fix mode is awesome if you're coming from generosity. Fixed mode is. Uh, misaligned, if you're coming from ego or hurt feelings or something other than generosity. So if you're not coming from a full heart, and it's an altruistic thing, or that it's channeled, and your source is saying, give this information. Take a take a look. What's happening is that you are out of alignment. Okay? Now it's a lot of information, and I'm going to take a breath right here and remind you that you're listening to mind power meets mystic. We are in the midst of this amazing giveaway where you can get a session with Michelle Walters and myself doing a mind power meets mystic project. It is a half hour reading with me where we amp up or release something that's bothering you, and Michelle is on standby, and as soon as we are done with our session, she seamlessly comes in to your session and I leave and you have a private hypnotherapy session with her that is tailored just for you and what we have talked about, so she'll confirm that these are the things that you want to work on. And after the hypnotherapy session, she gives you a copy of the whole session, as well as a separate MP3 to listen to the hypnotherapy in times of need or as a as a daily Boost, which I highly recommend. Okay? And how you do that is you like you comment on mind, power meets mystic. Um, also have your friends take a listen. We have great information, and like we are infinitely curious. So please, please, please, you know, interact with us. We are dying to hear what you want to know more about, because we want to be curious with you. Okay, back to this empowered empath. Let me do a really quick recap. We talked about. Here are some suggestions to see whether or not you are fully in alignment and empowered as an empath, right? And if you're not, what are one of the one or more of the ways that you handle not being in alignment as an empath. Do you fight? Do you use flight? Do you get overwhelmed? Or do you try and fix Okay, once we realize that we are not in alignment and that our energy is being drained. I'm not going to say leak, because I really believe that we know what we're doing, but we just can't help ourselves. And you know, like sometimes I think about kids who they know that they're doing something that's naughty. They don't exactly know that it's naughty, but they know that maybe they shouldn't be doing it right. They don't exactly know why, but they are same for empaths and the draining of energy, we know that maybe this is not the time to give information or not the time to say, I need to work on my boundaries. This is just a really good time to reset in one way, shape or form. So figure out what it is that that you do, and here are some tools that you can do, right? So what you want to do is, if you're in fight, which is the whole boundaries thing, I highly recommend that you do a reset, and the reset is really simple, get in really feel your body, feel your energy, because that's the energy that matters, okay? And that's in your personal space. So you're talking about your your physical body, your energetic body, and then add this one thing, which is, I'm in my space. I know the strength and the shape and the clarity of my body and space, and I intend energies like mine or better, to come and interact with me. And guess what, all of a sudden, you become invisible to the people who are complaining or, you know, wanting something that that doesn't match your vibe. And so you actually get a little bit of a rest. So it's a boundary, without it being a boundary. The other thing that I like to do is my favorite meditation. When I'm feeling a little bit, you know, bullied is not the word, but I'm feeling a little victimy, I like to sit and play with my energetic body, so I feel my body. And if you've, um. Hung out with me before. You know, I do the get really into your body. So simultaneously feel the bottoms of your feet, the tips of your fingers and the top of your head. And once you do that, feel every cell in between. I mean, that really gets you present and in your body. Then you move beyond and you focus on your energetic body. Then what I like to do is I just like to sit in my energetic body, visualize it, or feel it. For those of us who aren't very visual, you can feel it. You can sense it. You can just know. And then you allow your energetic body to expand out. There's so many ways to do it. Mine is just, I like to expand it out, like putting air in a balloon. I just allow the universe energy. I receive it, and I just let it, you know, fill up my energy, my energetic body, and then I play with it, like, like, again, like a balloon, I expand it, I contract it, but I always make sure to to leave it in an expanded space. So I don't feel like people are going to get to me emotionally, like, you know, like if I'm really super sensitive or feeling a little bit bitchy, and I know that I need to do a, you know, reset and get back to compassion. So if you're the boundary person, let the expansion be your boundary. Not putting up a boundary, just expand. And if you're not feeling expansive, then you just say, hey, my energy are better. So that's what you you know. That's my recommendation for for those of us who are in the fight mode, Alright, the next one is, if you're in flight mode, you can do a simple thing as what I said before, the same as fight. But the thing that I like to do is, I like to do this thing called, I know the word Ole, that shit. So think of a bull fight. I really wanted to capitalize on Ole that shit, but it's a little bit of appropriation, so I'll talk about it, and we'll go from there. But think of a bull fight. And you think, as the bull goes through the cape, everyone says, Ole, right? And if you want to know the truth, I did not make up this, this phrase that actually came from Major League where someone wouldn't get in front of the ball. Instead, they try and let the ball go to the side, and the his glove goes away, and it's Ole that. So think of this is when you feel their energy, you just lay that let it go to the side. Let it go away from you. Alright, that's all you need to do. If someone says something that's a little bit whack a doodle, and you're entered, you know, in your that doesn't align with your energy, oh, lay that shit, right? That's all you have to do. It's a, it's a really, it's it feels really good, because what happens is you can just feel their energy go right by you, and you're protected. You're protected without doing anything, without having to put up boundary. You just go, Oh, I just olaid that shit. So there you go. The third thing when we're overwhelm. So overwhelm is a really good time to have self care, right? Maybe you just need to have a different kind of reset, just time to yourself, where you have quiet or surround yourself with all the things that are delicious to you, so that you can recharge. And a lot of times that's what overwhelm does. It just means your batteries are low and you just gotta recharge. And sometimes we can't do that, right? We're in the middle of something and we don't have the time to recharge, or something has come in and and has confronted us, I think, is a good word to say, and we realize that we can't run away. That's not the right thing to do, and the energy is coming in pretty overwhelmingly right? So what I like to do with that, or what I like to recommend, is to have a an to have a phrase that has energy but doesn't cost you any energy. So let me give you an example. If someone comes in and they are absolutely angry and they're just a barrage, and there's no place for you to go. There are no other things for you to do, you could just feel that energy starting to just seep into your space. These are the people that you know, like everyone else, they want to be acknowledged. They need to have some kind of something to help them displace or dissipate. Is that energy. So what my teacher taught me is to come up with a phrase that acknowledges the person, and it means everything and it means nothing. So for my teacher, she used to say, how interesting, and the way that she'd say, it is interest, interesting and and then when she did to me, I'm like, oh shit, am I too much in the Cook since I knew but here's the beauty of it, that's interesting. When she would say that's interesting, what she's saying is, I'm listening to you. You're an interesting person. You have something to say that's important to you, right? And at the same time, I'm not giving out any of my energy. I'm not giving any advice. I'm not doing anything right. That's not doing anything that jeopardizes any of my energy. For me, I'm an excitable person. So for me is it's that's amazing. And what I'm saying is, you know, you're an amazing person. I absolutely adore you and respect you. I may not have the energy to be able to give you exactly what you need, but I'm here for you, and just keep talking because I'm listening and it doesn't again, it doesn't take any of my energy. So I recommend that you come up with a phrase just like that. And what it does is that it helps dissipate that the person who's sending the barrage of energy because they're they're being recognized, they're being acknowledged, and that's what they're looking for. They are not always looking for someone to agree with them. They're just looking for acknowledgement. And that gives you a moment to help dissipate that information, you know, dissipate their energy, and maybe from there your energy will boost up, or they will have had the thing that they need, which is acknowledgement, and they will go away. Or then you can use one of the other things right now, for those of us who want to fix this is my very, very favorite, and that is the counter. The counter, this was also taught to me. This is not a manipulation move, and there is absolute beauty. So here's the counter. The person who we always usually fix are the people who are coming in. They're complaining or there's a problem. There's always something that they're looking for, a solution or resolution, whether they listen to you or not, who knows. But there's that thing. So the counter is, and I have someone in my life who does this, and when I'm feeling like I have the energy, I hold space for them. If I don't have a whole lot of space, I can have, I can say, you know, I have this many minutes for you. I absolutely love you. So what you got in this many minutes. And sometimes I have, I have none of that. And so here's the counter. As soon as they pick up the phone, I say, I am so glad you called. And then I start complaining, I am having a horrible day. So and So, accidentally, you know, gave me a flat tire as we were walking in the grocery store. There was not this or that at the grocery store, and then I couldn't find my credit card or whatever. And you just keep you just complain as soon as they pick up the phone, and then you say, Oh, that felt so good. I love you so much. I'm so grateful you called. I gotta go and goodbye, talk to you soon, then goodbye, and then you can go your ass off when you're done. Now here's the beauty of it. It gives the person who's on the giving side the opportunity to receive. They get the chance to be the teacher or the advisor, or at least the listener and learn how to hold space. That is something new to them, because they know how to be one and so well that they forget that they have the the wherewithal, the capacity to do the be the other. And you, my lovely empaths typically don't complain. And so this is a chance for us to really air out what's going on with our lives. So we actually have to be a little bit vulnerable, right? And so we can go ahead and invent and be okay with it. So we're both uncomfortable, believe it or not, me giving my being vulnerable is that is uncomfortable for me and absolutely important. And then the person that's listening maybe they're uncomfortable, I'm going to assume, just because that's not what they expected. And then they get to hold they get to decide what to do with all the information that you just. That you just gave okay? So my empowered empaths, we've got check in on yourself. Here are some examples to see whether or not you are in alignment today. Find out if you're not in alignment. Where are you coming from? Fight flight, overwhelm, just freeze or fix. And then, what solutions do you want to use? Come up with your own and then share, share your experiences with other empaths. Because, believe it or not, we need this we need this vulnerability right now in order for us to be in alignment with each other, in order to strengthen ourselves, to see where we could do some work, to see where we could be of service. Because isn't that what it's all about? My fellow empaths, okay, so I hope you enjoy today's episode. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Know that I have a talk on this that I have given out to groups. So if you have a group of people that you might be interested in sharing this. I am happy to give that talk. Oh, what else? I hope that you found this of value. I love being of service, and may you be blessed in everything you do today.

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Mind Power Meets Mystic
Where the subconscious meets spirit
Mind Power Meets Mystic explores how seemingly disparate events and ideas come together in unexpected and surprising ways. Nerd out with us as we dive into spirit, business, love, relationships, self-expansion, and life’s true purpose, with wild curiosity and a huge sense of humor.
* Are you wanting to understand more about the power of your mind and spirit?
* What would it mean to connect more deeply with your inner or higher self?
* Are you looking for an ah-ha?
* Is there a thinking pattern or life situation that you want to shift?
* Are you ready to face your biggest fears and push on your greatest strengths?
* How can you tap your subconscious to reframe and rewrite your thinking?

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About your host

Profile picture for Cinthia Varkevisser

Cinthia Varkevisser