Episode 104

Published on:

17th Sep 2024

104. Self-Care Reset Strategies: Handling Life’s Slips with Mind Power Meets Mystic

Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic!

Join your hosts, Cinthia Varkevisser, your resident mystic, and Michelle Walters, our mind power junkie, as they discuss the transition into autumn and how to align your social life with your body's natural rhythms.

Episode Highlights:

  • Seasonal Shifts: Cinthia and Michelle explore the cultural and physical conflicts of moving into autumn, and how to harmonize social expectations with physical responses.
  • Prioritization Tip: Michelle shares the Eisenhower prioritization tool for organizing and managing tasks based on urgency and importance.
  • Intention Setting: Cinthia discusses the power of setting an intention for the season and how it can guide your focus and priorities.
  • Daily Self-Care Tips:
  • Affirmations: Michelle’s tip on using affirmations effectively and incorporating them into daily routines.
  • Creative Affirmations: Cinthia’s recent innovation—turning affirmations into a song to sing while washing your hands.
  • Mind Power Meets Mystic Product: Learn about our new collaborative offering that combines intuitive readings and hypnotherapy sessions. Enter our contest for a chance to win a free session by submitting a review and sharing with friends.
  • Upcoming Events:
  • Cinthia’s Free Masterminds: Two free masterminds each month starting in October, plus new intuitive and channel-related events.
  • Michelle’s Monthly Free Event: Nourish and Flourish—free hypnosis sessions on the second Friday of each month.
  • Self-Care Reset Tips: How to handle slips and resets in your routine, including the power of taking deep breaths and practicing self-compassion.

Links & Resources:

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Hey everyone. Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic with my podcast pal Michelle Walters, our mind power junkie, and me, Cinthia Varkevisser, your resident mystic. Today, we're going to discuss how we are moving into the autumn and the cultural and physical conflicts that arise. Culturally, this is the time to go back to school, get ready for the holidays, and start thinking about the following year. Meanwhile, our bodies are signaling that it's time to start gathering, slowing down, and preparing for hibernation. Michelle and I are going to share our tips on how to harmonize our social lives with our physical responses to what the universe wants us to do. So, Michelle, my big old pal, what do you have for us for this upcoming season?

Okay, so to simplify that, because we said this was all going to be about simplification and self-care: Another way of looking at it is that this is the Chinese astrology season of Metal, which is all about organizing and prioritizing. So with that, I want to share my first self-care tip, which is about prioritization. Many years ago, President Eisenhower came up with a great method of prioritization that I was introduced to in the early '90s, and I think it's a great way—many people have already heard of it—to remind oneself of one way to prioritize what you've got going on. When you feel bombarded by too many things, you can make a list of them and then rate them on two scales: whether they are urgent or important. For each thing, rate whether it’s high or low in both categories. This way, everything gets moved into one of four boxes: high-urgent, low-urgent, high-important, and low-important. When you categorize things into urgent and important, it helps you figure out what needs immediate attention, what can be delayed, what can be delegated, and what can be dropped or done later. If you're looking for a tool, you can follow my directions or Google the Eisenhower prioritization tool. It’s a great way to feel more in control of your list and focus only on what needs to be done.

Now, what’s your tip?

Cinthia, my tip is quite similar but starts with setting an intention for the rest of the season. Last year, my intention was to focus on family, and everything else didn't matter as much. That didn’t mean that I only thought about family, but when I woke up, I thought about how to prepare for Christmas, because both of my kids and my partner’s kids come from out of town. It can get a little chaotic during the holidays. So my intention was to keep family in the "important" category of the Eisenhower box, and let other things be in the "urgent" category. That was my goal: to keep family in the number two spot and let other things take priority in the number one spot. So, what is your intention for the rest of the season or the year?

That's awesome. Now, let’s move on to daily self-care tips. My number one self-care tip is about affirmations. I love a good affirmation that I can repeat until it’s on a constant cycle in my mind. Affirmations can be as simple as "I release and let go" or "I am going to take care of myself today." They don’t need to be elaborate. I encourage people to find ways to make affirmations habitual. For example, you could say your affirmations while walking to the mailbox or while brushing your teeth. It’s a way to use mindless time to repeat affirmations.

I love that! I’m actually going to hop on with your affirmation tip. If affirmations feel challenging, a recent trick I’ve started using is turning my affirmations into a song. Thanks to COVID, we’re familiar with singing "Happy Birthday" or "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" while washing our hands. I turned my affirmations into a song that fits the tune of "Happy Birthday" and sing them twice every time I wash my hands. It’s a creative way to reinforce affirmations and connect with them emotionally. It’s quite effective!

We have some great people coming up on the podcast, which is a teaser for future episodes.

Now, let’s talk about our fabulous new product: Mind Power Meets Mystic. It’s a sweet and seamless collaboration between Michelle and myself. We combine our superpowers into one short hour, providing immense value. We’ve had feedback from clients who were amazed by how seamlessly Michelle’s hypnotherapy and my intuitive reading worked together. If you want to win a free session, we are giving one away on Episode 111. To enter, submit a form with a copy of your review of our podcast, and you can get up to 11 entries per person.

This is a $299 value, but we’ve made it affordable because the information you get is so valuable. The hypnosis sessions are easy to use; you just download them and listen at your convenience, whether during the day or as you fall asleep.

Cinthia, do you have any upcoming events?

I do! I have a bunch of free masterminds coming up, two each month starting in October. I also have two new intuitive and channel-related events, one private and one in a gallery setting. Check the show notes for more details.

Michelle, what about you?

I have a number of leadership programs listed on my website, and I also host a monthly free event called Nourish and Flourish. It’s a free hypnosis session on the second Friday of each month at noon. It’s a great way to experience hypnosis for free. Links are on my classes page and in the show notes.

We should get back to our regularly scheduled programming. Cinthia, what’s your next self-care tip?

Mine is about simplification and alignment. After setting your intention for the season and doing affirmations, set your intention for the day. It should align with your seasonal intention and be simple. Just set it, release it, and move on with your day.

Any tips for handling slips?

Yes, life happens. When things go off course, be kind to yourself. Take three deep breaths to reset and get back on track. It only takes a few seconds, and you can use any small action, like your affirmation song, to help you realign.

I’ve found that thinking about what a friend would say can also help. If I imagine a close friend was there, they’d help me handle small setbacks with kindness, making it easier to be compassionate with myself.

And a final tip is to set an alarm to remind yourself to take a minute for yourself each day. It can be a great way to reset and stay centered.

That wraps up today’s episode. Thank you for listening and supporting our community. If you found value in this podcast, please share it with a friend.

Thanks for tuning in to Mind Power Meets Mystic. Until next time, bye!

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Mind Power Meets Mystic

Hey everyone. Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic with my podcast pal Michelle Walters, our mind power junkie, and me, Cinthia Varkevisser, your resident mystic. Today, we're going to discuss how we are moving into the autumn and the cultural and physical conflicts that arise. Culturally, this is the time to go back to school, get ready for the holidays, and start thinking about the following year. Meanwhile, our bodies are signaling that it's time to start gathering, slowing down, and preparing for hibernation. Michelle and I are going to share our tips on how to harmonize our social lives with our physical responses to what the universe wants us to do. So, Michelle, my big old pal, what do you have for us for this upcoming season?

Okay, so to simplify that, because we said this was all going to be about simplification and self-care: Another way of looking at it is that this is the Chinese astrology season of Metal, which is all about organizing and prioritizing. So with that, I want to share my first self-care tip, which is about prioritization. Many years ago, President Eisenhower came up with a great method of prioritization that I was introduced to in the early '90s, and I think it's a great way—many people have already heard of it—to remind oneself of one way to prioritize what you've got going on. When you feel bombarded by too many things, you can make a list of them and then rate them on two scales: whether they are urgent or important. For each thing, rate whether it’s high or low in both categories. This way, everything gets moved into one of four boxes: high-urgent, low-urgent, high-important, and low-important. When you categorize things into urgent and important, it helps you figure out what needs immediate attention, what can be delayed, what can be delegated, and what can be dropped or done later. If you're looking for a tool, you can follow my directions or Google the Eisenhower prioritization tool. It’s a great way to feel more in control of your list and focus only on what needs to be done.

Now, what’s your tip?

Cinthia, my tip is quite similar but starts with setting an intention for the rest of the season. Last year, my intention was to focus on family, and everything else didn't matter as much. That didn’t mean that I only thought about family, but when I woke up, I thought about how to prepare for Christmas, because both of my kids and my partner’s kids come from out of town. It can get a little chaotic during the holidays. So my intention was to keep family in the "important" category of the Eisenhower box, and let other things be in the "urgent" category. That was my goal: to keep family in the number two spot and let other things take priority in the number one spot. So, what is your intention for the rest of the season or the year?

That's awesome. Now, let’s move on to daily self-care tips. My number one self-care tip is about affirmations. I love a good affirmation that I can repeat until it’s on a constant cycle in my mind. Affirmations can be as simple as "I release and let go" or "I am going to take care of myself today." They don’t need to be elaborate. I encourage people to find ways to make affirmations habitual. For example, you could say your affirmations while walking to the mailbox or while brushing your teeth. It’s a way to use mindless time to repeat affirmations.

I love that! I’m actually going to hop on with your affirmation tip. If affirmations feel challenging, a recent trick I’ve started using is turning my affirmations into a song. Thanks to COVID, we’re familiar with singing "Happy Birthday" or "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" while washing our hands. I turned my affirmations into a song that fits the tune of "Happy Birthday" and sing them twice every time I wash my hands. It’s a creative way to reinforce affirmations and connect with them emotionally. It’s quite effective!

We have some great people coming up on the podcast, which is a teaser for future episodes.

Now, let’s talk about our fabulous new product: Mind Power Meets Mystic. It’s a sweet and seamless collaboration between Michelle and myself. We combine our superpowers into one short hour, providing immense value. We’ve had feedback from clients who were amazed by how seamlessly Michelle’s hypnotherapy and my intuitive reading worked together. If you want to win a free session, we are giving one away on Episode 111. To enter, submit a form with a copy of your review of our podcast, and you can get up to 11 entries per person.

This is a $299 value, but we’ve made it affordable because the information you get is so valuable. The hypnosis sessions are easy to use; you just download them and listen at your convenience, whether during the day or as you fall asleep.

Cinthia, do you have any upcoming events?

I do! I have a bunch of free masterminds coming up, two each month starting in October. I also have two new intuitive and channel-related events, one private and one in a gallery setting. Check the show notes for more details.

Michelle, what about you?

I have a number of leadership programs listed on my website, and I also host a monthly free event called Nourish and Flourish. It’s a free hypnosis session on the second Friday of each month at noon. It’s a great way to experience hypnosis for free. Links are on my classes page and in the show notes.

We should get back to our regularly scheduled programming. Cinthia, what’s your next self-care tip?

Mine is about simplification and alignment. After setting your intention for the season and doing affirmations, set your intention for the day. It should align with your seasonal intention and be simple. Just set it, release it, and move on with your day.

Any tips for handling slips?

Yes, life happens. When things go off course, be kind to yourself. Take three deep breaths to reset and get back on track. It only takes a few seconds, and you can use any small action, like your affirmation song, to help you realign.

I’ve found that thinking about what a friend would say can also help. If I imagine a close friend was there, they’d help me handle small setbacks with kindness, making it easier to be compassionate with myself.

And a final tip is to set an alarm to remind yourself to take a minute for yourself each day. It can be a great way to reset and stay centered.

That wraps up today’s episode. Thank you for listening and supporting our community. If you found value in this podcast, please share it with a friend.

Thanks for tuning in to Mind Power Meets Mystic. Until next time, bye!

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Mind Power Meets Mystic
Where the subconscious meets spirit
Mind Power Meets Mystic explores how seemingly disparate events and ideas come together in unexpected and surprising ways. Nerd out with us as we dive into spirit, business, love, relationships, self-expansion, and life’s true purpose, with wild curiosity and a huge sense of humor.
* Are you wanting to understand more about the power of your mind and spirit?
* What would it mean to connect more deeply with your inner or higher self?
* Are you looking for an ah-ha?
* Is there a thinking pattern or life situation that you want to shift?
* Are you ready to face your biggest fears and push on your greatest strengths?
* How can you tap your subconscious to reframe and rewrite your thinking?

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About your host

Profile picture for Cinthia Varkevisser

Cinthia Varkevisser