Episode 78

Published on:

20th Feb 2024

78. From Intuitive Constipation to Spiritual Liberation: A Journey of Joy

  • Podcast Title: Mind Power Meets Mystic
  • Hosts: Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters
  • Episode Title: Intuition: Playfulness as a Path to Spiritual Growth
  • Introduction:Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters introduce the podcast, emphasizing its aim to explore possibilities, uplift spirits, and foster collaboration with the unseen.
  • Main Discussion:Cinthia discusses the importance of not taking oneself too seriously and embracing playfulness in spiritual growth.
  • Reflects on a recent comedy show experience and relates the message of laughter and lightness to spiritual practice.
  • Shares two rules from her classes: "You're always right" and "It's not your body," highlighting the importance of honoring intuition and recognizing its uniqueness.
  • Emphasizes the role of playfulness in opening up intuition and fostering curiosity, using personal anecdotes and examples.
  • Introduces games like "Truth or Truth" and "Illegal and Inappropriate" as tools for exploring intuition and daring oneself in a safe, playful manner.
  • Discusses the interconnectedness of different aspects of life and how challenges in one area can be addressed through playful exploration in another.
  • Conclusion:Encourages listeners to embrace playfulness, silliness, and curiosity as paths to spiritual growth and authenticity.
  • Invites feedback and engagement from listeners, expressing openness to exploring topics of interest.
  • How to Connect:Encourages listeners to reach out, share feedback, and join the podcast community.
  • Closing Remarks:Cinthia Varkevisser signs off, wishing listeners well and thanking them for tuning in.

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Here is the transcription of the provided audio:

Host 1 (Cinthia Varkevisser): Hi, we're Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, co-hosts of "Mind Power Meets Mystic." Our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible, to uplift your spirits, to move forward with confidence and joy, and to create a space for your collaboration with the invisible. Welcome to "Mind Power Meets Mystic."

Host 1 (Cinthia Varkevisser): Hey, hey, hey everyone, this is Cinthia Varkevisser from "Mind Power Meets Mystic." My partner on the show, Walters, the mind power junkies, taking a well-deserved day off. So, I got y'all to myself. Here's what I'm thinking today, we're going to talk about being intuitively constipated and spiritually goosed in the ass. Now, that's not truly what's going on. We are always intuitively working, and we're always working with spirit. It's just that we have a hard time listening or seeing sometimes, totally makes sense. Today, I'd like to talk about how do we get out of that space. What I have found is that a lot of clients who want so hard, so badly to really kickstart their spiritual path in a very meaningful way, that it's coming across very serious. Let's always be profound. Let us be deliberate. These are all good things. However, that doesn't mean that we're always going to be going at lightspeed, especially when we're taking things so seriously.

Host 1 (Cinthia Varkevisser): Now, I'm coming to you from San Diego, where my kids got me tickets to Jo Koy in LA. So, there was an adventure of coming out from the Bay Area down to Los Angeles, spending the day in LA, and seeing this amazing comic. Oh, I believe he's a comedian. There's a difference between comic and comedian. So, I apologize, Mr. J. Coy, I love you, whatever your label is. That's who you are. Okay, back to this. Joe Koy was talking about not taking ourselves so seriously, and being able to laugh at ourselves, and really opening up because that is a commonality, right? It's just being able to laugh and find things in common with other people. I totally agree.

Host 1 (Cinthia Varkevisser): How does this relate to intuition? And where am I going with this? What I am recommending is that to get to our spiritual aptitude, what I'd like you to do is play more, dare yourself more, have fun. If you come to one of my classes, you'll know that there are two rules. And if you can't abide by the two rules, you got to get the fuck out. I really do say that. The first rule is that you're always right. And the reason is, it's really important to honor our intuition, especially when we're practicing the works may not come out exactly the way you want. But that's part of the practice of working with your intuition. And the second is, why, why when we're practicing, and we're supposed to be curious, are we going to create ourselves? So that's why you're always right. The second one is, it's not your body. That's for the empaths out there. And actually, for everybody, your intuition is so personal, so innate, that we think that everybody's intuition works the same way. And it's not. The odds of someone being just like you is one in 68 trillion. I apologize that my video is not working right now. Oh, and now we are moving on moving. Alright, we are back. So the odds of someone being just like you and using your intuition, just like you is one in 68 trillion. Okay, you are fucking special, and yet, not so special that you cannot relate to anyone else. Everyone is relatable. Let's just remember that. Okay. So let's talk about having fun. When we're having fun, and we're playing, what happens is that we become more open. We don't have as many expectations of ourselves. We are in the moment. It's really hard to laugh about future things. Unless you know, it's part of a joke or you're being present with someone joking about something in the future. Alright, but it's all very much about being present. The other thing about laughter is that it's super disarming. So it's a con again, as a comedians will tell you, it's a connector. If I'm laughing, there's a really good chance that if the laughter is sincere, that it's contagious. And everybody loves being around someone who's vibing. Higher and laughter, of course, raises your vibration. Okay? Now let's get past the the laughter and start talking about play. When we play we're in, we're in curiosity, sometimes we're in competition, but we can talk about competition later. And we're also in a place of being present. And in the moment, you know that if you are not present, you're not really playing. And that's the beauty of play. The other thing that happens when we're playing, is that we get to reach back into our innocence of when we were kids, I love remembering being six or seven years old, and we had a bunch of loose bricks in our front yard. And the bricks were kind of like this weird little border to our driveway. And I would spend a shit ton of time pulling back the bricks, and just watching the sow bugs or whatever was, was there worms, whatever we could find, and then putting it back and seeing if I could find something different. The other thing is, you know, climbing trees. So it's that kind of thing of curiosity, and really challenging yourself in a fun way, instead of, you know, have to it's curiosity. Let's see if we can get there. And I'm hearing you say, Yeah, Cynthia. Alright, so I'm gonna go climb a tree, fuck you. It doesn't have to be like that. You can use any kind of game to get into this space. So before I go any further, I just want to remind you that you are listening to this wonderful podcast called "Mind Power Meets Mystic" and I'm Cinthia Varkevisser, your mystic, and my friend, Michelle Walters is an incredible hypnotherapist and executive coach that can help you. From the other end of things like have come from the heart, she comes from the intellect, we both meet in the middle, because our solutions are always the same, our paths are just a little bit different, which is why we make this amazing podcast, and why it's a great way for you to listen in and get some insights. So like us, join, email us telling us how amazing we are, or a bit kind of interesting, if, you know, we talked about something else. We are so receptive to that, because we are obsessed with wanting to know what you want to know. We are infinitely curious. And we want you to join us on that. Right. Okay, back to play. So, here are a couple of things that I like to do, when we'll call it again, intuitively constipated, which is not true. Again, it's about not exactly understanding how your intuition works. And getting your emotions separate from your intuition just enough to go oh, this is my intuitive voice. And this is my emotional ways. And there are two different two different voices, really, if you if you listen, or two different sites, depending on how your intuition works. So here are the things that I like to do with my clients, and actually like to do with myself. Playing with myself, I got you. That's not what I mean, kind of, but not really. So let me back up there. If you think about when your kids what are your favorite games that you played? So get away from Spin the Bottle? Because that's doesn't work? Well, it does work, but we'll talk about that. And another game because it doesn't apply here with intuitively constipated, right? The games that I like to play our doctor. Yes, I like to play truth or dare. I like to play telephone. I like to play.to dot. And so these are all very literal, you can actually go color or do a.to.or What I do is I create my own dots, two dots. Come check me out. Talk to me on the side, if you want to know more about that. But here's the thing about some of these games. Oh, did I also tell you I'd love truth or Derek because if I didn't, I think that's where I'm gonna go to. So being playing is a thing that helps you get into curiosity. It puts you into a different kind of joy. And then when you play these games with a, an adult twist, it's like amazeballs so I like to take two there, and I split them in two. So one is called Truth or truth. And the other one is called illegal and inappropriate truth or truth is A way of asking questions. And then when the person that you're working with answers, you actually can use your clear sentient, empathic ways to go. You know, you're only 80% Honest, or 90% honest. So let's talk about this.

It's a beautiful game, it's got to be set up in a certain way to feel safe to do this. But it's actually a lot of fun. And there's a lot of laughter and sometimes tears, and it's surprising when it comes up. It's not when you think it will. And that's the that's the beauty of it. Now, to be completely honest, and to disclose a truth or truth is what I used to call it now I call it bullshit. And it's really fun, because you get to call people on bullshit. So think about the game bullshit, which is also like liar's dice. And what you're doing is that you're using your intuition, your body's intuition, your body's knowledge, to feel where that other person is coming from. And what that does is it opens it up. The other game I like to play is called illegal and inappropriate. Now, this game is fucking crazy. Whoo, let me change those words. Fucking wild, because you never know where it's going to go. And this is a game that you want to play with one or more people, or actually two or more people, right? So you have somebody else to do this with. And it's a game of chicken. But you want to make sure that the ground rules are that you're doing this, for in the name of fun, that you are not there to hurt anybody else, or to damage any innocence. So this game came about when my partner Dee and I were really just friends, we were on the friend level, we definitely weren't looking at each other in in that way, a romantic way. And she was bored. We were bored. We were in the middle of this martial arts intensive. And depending on who you talk to is who came up with the game. But what happened was one of us said, Hey, what are you doing later today? And the other person said, We're gonna play illegal, inappropriate. And the other person said, what is that? And the first person said, it's where you do one thing, and then the other person does something to one up. So it's like truth. It's chicken. It's a game of chicken. I don't know, people that are younger than 40 know that game. But it's a daring thing. And then we were both quiet. And one of us said to the other, what are you thinking? And the person responded, I'm thinking, what would I do? And what would you do to one up me? And then what would I do in return? Thus, the game was born. From that we remembered at the tender age of somewhere in their 40s and somewhere in our 50s to toilet paper houses. We did a couple of dingdong ditches, which just so you know, dingdong ditching with a 50 year old body is way different than dingdong ditching and a teenage body. And I think that's really the funnier part than the actual doorbell ditch. But what this does, is, it's not really a competition. It's what are you willing to do? How are you willing to dare yourself to do something? And you'll find that, that there are spaces in this game where you're like, I'm not going to do that shit. Here's an example. When it was when we first came up with this game, it was D, my daughter, Amber, our friend, our brand, who's young, this is all from martial arts. Her name is Julia, DME. And so we were doing silly things like jaywalking, putting a flyer in the Book Depository when, you know, they say only put books in there. I mean, really, really minor. Going to going to a self-serve restaurant and ordering water and putting a cup of soda taking a cup of soda. So the thing is, is that we're not there to cheat anybody. It's not like we took a shit ton of soda. It was just who's going to catch us and do our dirt ourselves to do it. Okay, here's where I would kooky bananas. We were doing all the stuff I was having no problem. We went into a gift shop where they had a little bit of furniture, a lot of home goods, cards and things like that. And there's three of them sat down on the couches very apparent that they are not going to do any shopping. And just chilling out. I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle not. Like, to me it felt disrespectful even though it was a good fun, I couldn't loosen up and just say, you know, in good fun, I could do this. And I'll only do it for five or six minutes. And then I can get up, I could not do it at all. And so from here, I learned a lot of things about myself that how does this work with intuition? Let me let me take it one step further. In the competition, you actually can kind of sense what people will do and won't do. But really, the most important part is, if I willing to dare myself, to do this utterly stupid, benign thing, what's going to happen when I need to make an important decision? How does this inform my intuition? What are my gut instincts telling me about my ability to trust myself in really high pressured situations? So there's a lot of layers of why we do what we do and what the purpose of the game is. But ultimately, it's about having fun. And it's about finding out more about yourself. So we'll go back to that thing of being more intuitive, and having more aptitude in our spirituality. So being able to play and find joy in it really expands you as a person, you know, and as a spiritual being. And you'll find that your intuition is actually starting to become more frequent, the more you're willing to have joy and curiosity, instead of having to be right.

Host 1 (Cinthia Varkevisser): Okay, so let's take this into your everyday life. So what does that mean to you? So what it means is, you know, how can you find a little bit more joy and curiosity every day? So here's a really simple way to do it. If you're in the line at the grocery store, or you're in traffic, or you're somewhere where you really have nothing better to do, rather than being pissed off, rather than being resentful, or anxious, just be where you are. And just look around, look around at people. And just be like, I wonder what their lives are like. I wonder what their story is. You know, they're holding a package of Oreos, do they really want the Oreos? Do they really need the Oreos? Do they really, really want the Oreos? And so instead of being pissed off that they're holding up the line, or that they're driving too slow, or they're driving too fast, or they're right in your butt. Just be curious. And here's what I found is that it allows me to be a lot more accepting, and it allows me to be a lot more relaxed. Because in that moment, I'm not in resistance. And the resistance is the thing that makes it harder to be intuitive. And here's why I say that. When you're in resistance, what happens is, your energy body, or your mental body is going Oh, we've got to be aware, we've got to be on guard, we've got to make sure that we're okay. And that is such a distraction to the intuitive part of you, it's like being in survival mode. And the intuitive part of you is like, well, we can't play right now. We've got to make sure that we're okay, we've got to make sure that we're in survival. So it's really hard to be able to see what your intuition is telling you, or to feel what your intuition is telling you. And so that's why resistance is a real bitch to being intuitive. And so when we're more open, and we're more curious, and we're more joyful, it's easier for us to hear, or see, or feel the guidance that's coming in. And so that's why I'm really recommending that you find joy and curiosity in your life every single day. And this isn't hard, folks, this is just, it's a habit. And it's also a mindset. So it's a habit of like, oh, I'm not going to be pissed off at this, I'm just going to be curious about it. And then it's also about changing your mindset, like how do you want to be in the world? Do you want to be the person that's like, everything sucks, or do you want to be the person that says, you know what, I'm going to find something to be curious about, I'm going to find something to have joy about every single day, and then see how that shifts. And if you're not sure how it shifts, then you want to do a couple of experiments. So you know, experiment for a week, where you're just kind of curious and finding joy and see what happens. And then the next week, be in your normal mode. And then the next week, you're back in joy and curiosity. And see if you notice a difference. I promise you, you will notice a difference. And when you start noticing a difference, then what you're going to do is like, okay, so what can I do more of, to expand this, and then what you're going to do is you're going to listen to this podcast over and over and over again. Because, again, we're always practicing, right? We're always practicing. And so if you want to practice to be more intuitive, then listen to podcasts like mine, read books like mine, take classes like mine, take classes like other people's. And the more you practice, the easier it becomes. And that's how we get out of being spiritually constipated and intuitively blocked. And that's what I want to leave you with today. And so I really want to encourage you to have joy and curiosity every single day. And to not worry about being right, but worry about having fun. And see how your intuition starts to improve. And then what I want you to do is I want you to let me know how it goes. So you can email me at info@livingwatersus.com. And you can also get a hold of me on Facebook, you can find me under Cinthia Varkevisser. And then also, you can find me on Instagram at Cinthia.varkevisser. And if you would like to have a reading from me, or you want to learn more about intuition, or you just want to, you know, hey, bitch, that was a great podcast, then please reach out. And so until next time, I am Cinthia Varkevisser, your mystic and your guide into the world of intuition. And I want to say bye. And until we meet again, be kind, be curious and have joy. Bye for now.

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Mind Power Meets Mystic
Where the subconscious meets spirit
Mind Power Meets Mystic explores how seemingly disparate events and ideas come together in unexpected and surprising ways. Nerd out with us as we dive into spirit, business, love, relationships, self-expansion, and life’s true purpose, with wild curiosity and a huge sense of humor.
* Are you wanting to understand more about the power of your mind and spirit?
* What would it mean to connect more deeply with your inner or higher self?
* Are you looking for an ah-ha?
* Is there a thinking pattern or life situation that you want to shift?
* Are you ready to face your biggest fears and push on your greatest strengths?
* How can you tap your subconscious to reframe and rewrite your thinking?

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About your host

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Cinthia Varkevisser