Episode 89

Published on:

21st May 2024

89. Introducing Mind Power Meets Mystic - The Project

In this week's episode of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," co-hosts Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser unveil an exciting new offering: "Mind Power Meets Mystic, the Product." This innovative service combines Cinthia's insightful short readings with Michelle's powerful hypnotherapy sessions, designed to help clients overcome obstacles, amplify their goals, and move forward with clarity and purpose. Listeners will learn how this unique, one-on-one experience provides actionable steps and deep subconscious support, ensuring tangible results and lasting change. Tune in to hear client testimonials and discover how you can benefit from this dynamic duo's combined expertise.

Michelle and Cinthia also share their personal journey of collaboration, highlighting how their long-standing friendship and complementary skills have shaped this new venture. With detailed insights into the process, from initial readings to personalized hypnosis tracks, they offer a glimpse into the seamless, effective approach that has already garnered rave reviews. Whether you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or simply curious about new ways to enhance your personal growth, this episode is packed with inspiration and practical advice. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your mind and spirit with "Mind Power Meets Mystic, the Product."

For more Mind Power Meets Mystic:


Find Michelle Walters here:


Find Cinthia Varkevisser here:


Reach cinthia at cintuition@gmail.com


Hi, we're Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, co-hosts of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

Our weekly show is here to expand your mind to what's possible, to uplift your spirits, to move forward with confidence and joy, and to create a space for your collaboration with the invisible.

Welcome to Mind Power Meets Mystic!

Welcome to a very special episode of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

I am Michelle Walters, the Mind Power, here with my co-host, Cinthia Varkevisser, our mystic.

We want to talk to you today about something we are so excited about.

Mind Power Meets Mystic has a product.

We now have not just our podcast, but we also have an offering.

We are calling it, get ready.

It's so exciting.

Mind Power Meets Mystic, the product.

And this episode, we are here to tell you all about it.

We have had a chance to pilot it with a number of people and we've had some outstanding results and we just can't wait to share it with you today.

Cinthia, do you wanna tell our listeners what is Mind Power Meets Mystic, the product?

- Sure, first I'd like to say when you have two creatives running around doing these amazing things and decide to team up together for beyond just the podcast.

Of course you're going to get a title like "Mind Power Meets Mystic, The Product.

" (laughs) That's just the way it is.

So, "Mind Power Meets Mystic, The Product" is an amazing service.

Michelle and I have teamed up with our superpowers to help our clients move through some pretty big things.

So what we do is that we have you come in, it's one-on-one style.

And for the first half of our session, we have a reading with me.

We talk about what is the thing that is bothering you or what is it that you want to amplify or release.

We spend 25 minutes or so, 25 minutes to a half hour going over these things.

Now, not to toot my own horn, but I'm gonna.

I'm really, really good at the short readings.

I'm great at the long readings, but short readings, getting down to the nitty gritty of things, really touching on some things to have you work on is my forte.

So, Michelle sits very quietly in standby and you and I will go over these things.

From this reading, you'll get to hear a core issue of what's going on in three very simple exercises or tasks in order for you to move from one side to the other.

Then I drop off because I am the chatty Kathy and Michelle very seamlessly slips on in and does a personalized hypnotherapy session with you based on what we've done.

And it's an amazing thing because it's soup to nuts.

It's very seamless.

It's very specific and very practical.

So what we're doing is on the front end, we're coming up with the idea.

And then what happens is Michelle comes in afterwards and she provides the engine.

So she, through her hypnotherapy, helps you visualize, helps you move, get into action, so that you're not sitting and going, well, that was a great reading.

And then you sit and wait for fortune and abundance to come to you.

So we've got some great results.

People have loved it.

Michelle, what do you wanna add to that?

- Well, I wanna say that one of the, so Cinthia and I, if you don't know this, Cinthia and I have known each other for a long time.

I'm not counting years, but let's just say it is more than a decade.

And one of the things that drew me to Cinthia was her outstanding powers, especially at these short readings.

And I've been to see lots of people, I've had a lot of readings done.

Cinthia is the bomb.

And the 20 minute reading from Cinthia is like gold.

And when we thought about this and thought, wow, how could we partner together in new and even better and different ways?

We came up with this idea of like, utilizing this fantastic gift of Cinthia's in parallel with my gift of being able to do hypnosis and customizing the hypnosis just on the fly.

And it's coming out as great as I expected it to be.

It's a fantastic way of getting kind of the best of both of us in an hour and in a way that gives you new insight to things that you might have been thinking about or questioning, and then finding a way to make that visualization come through in a way that's repeatable.

So this this zoom call that you dial into, which is like a one to one experience, but it's kind of two to one, it's really one to one, Cinthia for the first half, and then one to one Michelle at to end is amplified by the fact that since we're doing this on Zoom, what we do is we send you the Zoom video for your entire session so you can play it back and re-listen to Cinthia's reading at the beginning if you want to or need to re-clarify what your go-dos were.

And then I strip off the MP3 of just the audio of the hypnosis piece for you to take home.

And that makes it really easy.

You can download that, you can put it on your phone, you can listen to it a couple times a week.

It helps you to put that plan in action, both in your conscious as well as in your subconscious mind.

And it acts a powerful, powerful punch, my friend, in terms of being a really cool way to kind of see what's in your heart, see how you can shift from one place to another, and then get going on the rethinking, the actions, the visualizing, all of the work that needs to be done.

Because as we all know, it's not just about sort of knowing what you gotta do, it's actually taking action on that.

That is what that makes the change that brings you the shift for what you're looking for.

I am so excited about this new product and Cinthia and I are having a blast helping our clients with this new service.

- The thing that I love about your hypnosis sessions and you're so thoughtful about stripping out the MP3 and having the audio is I will admit it, when someone sends me a recording and even back in the good old days when we would get readings and we'd get the cassette recordings.

I mean, I am really dating myself.

And then my teacher would hand me my cassette recording.

I wouldn't listen to them for years.

I mean, years.

And then it was funny because I'd clean up and I'd see it.

And then I'd listen to, "Holy shit, I haven't really learned anything.

It's the same reading, right?

" Here, you don't have to listen to the whole thing.

You don't have to rehash everything.

If you keep the little RX that's given the three tasks, awesome, if not, so what?

You have the MP3, you have the hypnosis, and it can be done at your own pace at any time of day.

That's the part that I love because it's as if it's that piece that's so thoughtful that we're not just, you know, thank you for your session and now get the fuck out, right?

If you know me, I say that a lot, get the fuck out.

This is not it.

And so it's that extra bit of care and love and again, that motivator to get us going.


Yeah, no, I think it's absolutely great.

And just to build on that, I want to remind clients that the hypnosis recording doesn't need to take time out of your day.

It can take time out of your going to sleep time.

And so one of the things many I venture to say probably most of my clients do with their personalized MP3s is put them on their phone, put it next to the bed, play it as they're falling asleep.

Your subconscious mind hears what is coming out of that MP3 even as you're falling asleep.

So it's just as effective to use as you're falling asleep as, you know, carving out 20 or 30 minutes to use it during the day.

So it's really, I think, kind of an awesome way to advance yourself and to incorporate some input on how you can shift things up, what's going on on a spiritual level, how you can access that through your subconscious mind and make those shifts that are right in front of you just need a little push, a little action.

Right, right.

Hey, we are Mind Power Meets Mystic.

I'm Cinthia Varkevisser, or The Mystic, and you've been listening to Michelle Walters, our Mind Power Junkie.

She's amazing.

Please like us, follow us, download, tell your friends, shout it out to the world, because this is some pretty amazing shit that we're providing.

And if you don't believe that we're providing some amazing shit.

Let us know and we will make sure to, to pick the topics that you're interested in because we are infinitely curious, right?


Yes, we are infinitely curious.

We did hear from a listener this week.

Love to hear from listeners.

So if you do have feedback for us, rate us, review us or send us an email.

We're always curious to know what's going on with our community and very open minded.

We wanted to talk a little bit about who this is for.

Cinthia, do you want to give our listeners an idea of kind of who might benefit from trying out Mind Power Meets Mystic?


If you're feeling stuck, if you're feeling like you know that you're so close to up leveling, but you don't know what that extra step is, this is the thing for you.

If you feel like you are a bit overwhelmed and you know that there's a recipe out there for this decluttering and clarifying.

This is totally for you.

If you are like me and you're a reading junky, an intuitive junky, and follow through is not your forte, this is so, so, so for you.

What about you, Michelle, anything to add to that?

Yeah, no, I'd say it's really great for for anybody feeling a little bit lost, feeling a little bit like, I don't know what to do about this decision.

Feeling a little bit like, I've been in the same place for a while.

And I don't think I'd like it here anymore.

I want to figure out what can I do to, to create a new energy, a shift in energy.

A lot of times those things are really hard to approach on your own when you're only approaching it on your own.

And especially if you're only approaching it from your conscious mind, you just don't get the breadth and depth of input than you can get when you're working with people who do this all the time like me and Cinthia.

And so, you know, if there is something that you've kind of been wondering about, you want it make, frankly, not a very big, but a not a very big monetarily, but a very big energetically investment in yourself.

This is fantastic.

I have recommended this for a number of my clients who, you know, they're making progress in hypnotherapy, but maybe kind of a second voice another way of approaching it is, is a good thing to do.

You know, I'm very, very open person and I don't believe that we all have all the answers.

Sometimes it's really great to get just a little leg up and help yourself out of a stuck situation.


Well, let's talk about Heather.

So we had Heather come on and she worked a session with us and she's actually worked with me more than she has worked.

I don't think she's had the opportunity to work with you before.



No, I've known Heather for a little bit.

But I've never done hypnosis with her before.

So when she came on, she already knew how we work together.

She knew pretty much what I was going to say, there wasn't really too much of a surprise.

There may have been like a little bit of clarification for and she had a three step process, then what happened is she really got excited by the results of your side of it.


So and what she said was that it helped her it helped her clarify even further what was going on and that she could actually see.

And what else did she say?

I mean, she really, really I have here, would you like me to go?

Yeah, please.

Heather said, "Sythia had some incredible advice followed by a hypnotherapy session with Michelle.

Michelle created a hypnotherapy track that perfectly spoke to the things that Cinthia had brought up during my reading.

" And then she goes on, "I have felt more confidence, more independence, more excitement for the things that are coming in my life based on the combination of the reading and the hypnotherapy track.

Both on their own would be incredible.

" Together, it was a one-two punch that I am still enjoying the experience of.

So nice to hear.

It was great.

And we get to see, we actually get to see the results.

So we see Heather, we've seen her since, and there's a calmness to her that is really inspiring.

She's actually way more calm than I am.

And I'm like, "Holy shit.

We need to drink some of that Kool-Aid that we're at Dishon.

[LAUGHTER] Well, and we piloted this out with a number of other individuals.

We got another really nice review.

Can I read that with Cinthia?



So this review says, "My experience with Cinthia and Michelle was uplifting and empowering.

I love Cinthia's reading and Michelle's hypnosis session.

Cinthia's reading was insightful and clear, giving me specific, understandable steps.

Michelle's session was soothing and impactful.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and highly recommend it as a way to learn more about yourself and how to shift your energy in positive directions.

Bing, bing, bing.

We know who that is.

- Exactly.

(laughs) Now that's really, this was really interesting because we know this person person who shares often about their lives, but still has a very private side.

So we actually worked a little bit more on the private side.

And it was it's always lovely to get to know someone more holistically, and to know that we are we're helping them shift a piece of themselves that is very important to them.

And they hold that piece very, you know, so sacred within themselves.

Absolutely, absolutely.

And these are not the only two people we have helped.

We've helped a number of other women.

We've helped one gentleman so far.

Looking forward to more gentlemen on our helper, people we can help list.

But I'm sure you're all asking, how do I get the goods?

- Right.

- How do I get a session with Michelle and Cinthia from Mind Power Meets Mystic for the project for me.

And the way that you can get this is to contact either me or Cinthia.

So we both have our emails in the show notes.

Let's go ahead and spell them out here.

You can email me at Michelle@MichelleWaltres.

net and Cinthia, how can people email you?

I am scintuition@gmail.


See intuition.

See intuition@gmail.


So reach out to one of us and we will tell you all about it, how to get scheduled.

And if you tell us you came from the podcast, you are going to get a discount because we want to make things special for our podcast listeners, you will need a one hour time slot.

You'll need to be available by zoom.

And Cinthia and I have quite a few hours of the week that we are dedicating to serving our clients and listeners with this service.

Well, wait, there's one more thing they need to be comfy cozy.

Oh, it's super important to be comfortable.

Um, first of all, when you're getting a reading and, um, people love hearing about themselves, I love hearing about myself.

And so, you know, if you have pad and paper, that's awesome.

Or, you know, that this is being recorded.

That's, that's incredible as well.

And then you want to make sure that because we work seamlessly, that you are really settled in so that you're prepared for Michelle as she goes into your hypnotherapy session.

Yes, the hypnotherapy session will be much more enjoyable and effective if you are in a very comfortable place.

And if that means sitting in your recliner or even being in your bedroom, it's totally fine.

Remember, you can fall asleep and it works.

So it is pretty funny, though, to I'm not used to this to seeing people on zoom getting their reading.

And they're already, you know, pretty much reclined and chilling out.

Because usually they're sitting in a bit tense.

And but for this for this sesh, what happens is they're already people are already because they know that they're getting into the hypnosis afterwards, that they're already just settling in and feeling good.

So yeah, no, it's right.

It's absolutely great.

Cinthia and I are so excited about this new project that we are wanting to make sure that if you are interested, you don't spend any time, raise your hand, get a hold of one of us, and please get on our calendars.

We are so excited about this offering and all of the people that we can reach and help.


Anything else you want to talk about Ms.


No, that's my big thing.

I would love to make it a summer and fall of lots of doing of mind power meets mystic.

So that's all I got for today.

What about you?

Uh, I just love that we're going to help people, you know, get their asses in gear without having to kick it.


I'm really good at kicking people's asses on so many levels.

Um, it doesn't have to be that way.

No, no, Cinthia is Cinthia is three steps of what to do are are easy, you got to like I listen into them right there.

They're easy steps.

And they're very approachable.

People just need to make a little bit of time and effort to do them.

And it is so much easier to do them when you are reminding your subconscious of it all with the playbacks on the hypnotherapy track.

So reach out to one of us.

We'll tell you all about it.

We'll figure out how to get you scheduled and you will be on your way with Mind Power Meets Mystic, the product very, very soon.


All right.

That's a wrap for this episode of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

I am Michelle Walters here with my podcast pal, Cinthia Varkivister, signing off.

Have a great week.



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About the Podcast

Mind Power Meets Mystic
Where the subconscious meets spirit
Mind Power Meets Mystic explores how seemingly disparate events and ideas come together in unexpected and surprising ways. Nerd out with us as we dive into spirit, business, love, relationships, self-expansion, and life’s true purpose, with wild curiosity and a huge sense of humor.
* Are you wanting to understand more about the power of your mind and spirit?
* What would it mean to connect more deeply with your inner or higher self?
* Are you looking for an ah-ha?
* Is there a thinking pattern or life situation that you want to shift?
* Are you ready to face your biggest fears and push on your greatest strengths?
* How can you tap your subconscious to reframe and rewrite your thinking?

Come along and follow us on our weekly journey of Mind Power Meets Mystic.

About your host

Profile picture for Cinthia Varkevisser

Cinthia Varkevisser